
This is a chat app for mobile devices developed using React Native. The app will provide users with a chat interface and options to share images and their location.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Texter is a chat app for mobile devices, developed using React Native. The app will provide users with a chat interface and options to share images and their location.

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A screenshot of the app's screens

Tech Stack


  • The user can pick a nickname
  • The user can pick a background from the swatch
  • The user will access a common chat room where the people can exchange text, images and their location
  • If the device is offline, the user would be able to read the latest messages saved on the device, but they won't be able to send new messages
  • When the device is back online, you will see the messages that were sent while offline


When the user decides to send a picture or share their location, the app will ask permission to access the camera roll and/or the user's location. Granting the access to the app is necessary for the app to work correctly. No data gets used or sent without the user's permission. The data is stored locally on the user's device, and synched with the Firestore database when the device goes online. The images are stored on Firebase Storage.


0. Prerequisites

  • Node and npm (installation steps)
  • Yarn npm install --global yarn
  • Expo npm install expo-cli --global

1. Install dependencies

  • From your terminal, navigate to the root folder of the project
  • In your terminal, run yarn install

2. Run the app

  • To launch the app run expo start
  • Expo will start and a browser window will open, that gives you different options to execute the app on a device or emulator

3. Set up a device

  • Download the Expo app on the device you want to use to run the app
  • With your device, scan QR code (Android) or send a link via email (iOS) to connect to expo
  • The app will start on your device and you'll be able to use it