
Ludum Dare 46 Compo (48 hour solo game jam)

Primary LanguageC#


Ludum Dare 46 Compo (48 hour solo game jam) https://ldjam.com/users/mickm/

Theme: Keep it Alive

Game design:

Virtual pet inspired however the little pet needs to work to give you resources to interact Keep it alive as long as possible while juggling hunger, happiness etc through various age stages.

Congratulations on your new pet - A TimTam should be ready to hatch from your egg soon....

Your job is to love it and play with it. Also to feed it. Also nothing is free in this life. You will have to put your little baby pet to work so you can afford to give it all the love you really want to. Training it will help with working speed but working and training does take the shine off life a bit. Pats are free though. Who doesnt love a good pat.


After you hatch your pet you will need to manage hunger and happiness - these are key to a long life! You can pat your pet - as a baby and when it is old it will appreciate this but in adulthood it will just make it grumpy! You send your pet to work to get credits to buy interaction points including food, play, (more!) work and training. Training will increase your pets work speed (hidden) however it really doesn't like training! GOOD LUCK!







This game was made for Ludum Dare 46 Compo, a 48 hour solo Game Jam.

The game was developed from scratch in an empty Unity project. An open licenced font was the only pre existing asset used. Artwork created using Inkscape. Music created using Rytmik Ultimate. Sounds created using a webcam microphone and edited with Audacity.

Font: Mansalva Regular, developed by Mansalva Project (https://github.com/carolinashort/mansalva) and used under the Open Font Licence (SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007), included in game download folder.

Older screens

Initial mechanics implementation:

Basic mechanics implemented

Initial (skippable) tutorial

End of the tutorial