
Simple DNS ping tool

Primary LanguageGo

DNS Ping

Simple Go program to ping DNS servers.

It sends periodically DNS A requests to a resolver, for a given domain, and displays the time needed to get the reply.



go get github.com/MickaelBergem/dnsping
# Provided you have configured your PATH to include $GOPATH/bin:
dnsping -help

You should get the following output:

dnsping - monitor response time for DNS servers
Send DNS requests periodically to monitor a DNS server response time.

Usage: dnsping [option ...] targetdomain
  -count=0: Number of requests to send
  -d=1000: Interval to wait between two pings
  -i=false: Do an iterative query instead of recursive (to stress authoritative nameservers)
  -r="": Resolver to test against
  -random=false: Use random Request Identifiers for each query
  -v=false: Verbose logging


DNSPing demo