
Logger for c++11

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Build Status GitHub release GitHub


Logger for C++11.


#include "loggator.hpp"

using namespace Log;

void test()
    LOGGATOR("example") << "macro LOGGATOR";

int main()
    Loggator logExample("example", std::cout);
    logExample.setFormat("{TYPE:%-5s} {TIME:%y/%m/%d %X.%N}: {NAME:%s: }{FILE:%s:}{LINE:%s: }");
    logExample.debug() << "function";
    logExample.debug(LOGGATOR_SOURCEINFOS) << "source infos macro";
    LOGGATOR("main", WARN) << "macro LOGGATOR with type" << std::endl;
    LOGGATOR(logExample, INFO, "style %s ", "printf") << "LOGGATOR";
    return (0);

// output:
// DEBUG 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910: example: function
// DEBUG 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910: example: main.cpp:16: source infos macro
// DEBUG 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910: example: macro LOGGATOR
// DEBUG 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910: main: main.cpp:18: macro LOGGATOR with type
// INFO  70/01/01 01:23:45.678910: main: main.cpp:19: style printf LOGGATOR

Log Types

Log Types methodes
DEBUG debug()
INFO info()
WARN / WARNING warn() / warning()
ERROR error()
CRIT / CRITICAL crit() / critical()
ALERT alert()
EMERG / EMERGENCY emerg() / emergency()
FATAL fatal()

Custom Format

Key Description Exemple Output
TIME Time from strftime {TIME:%x %X.%N} 01/01/70 01:23:45.678910
NAME Name of loggator {NAME} loggator
FUNC Name of scope function {FUNC} main
PATH Path of source file {PATH} src/main.cpp
FILE Filename of source file {FILE} main.cpp
LINE Line at source file {LINE} 42
THREAD_ID Thread id {THREAD_ID} 7F4768D40700


Use bit composition:

Loggator logExample();
logExample.setFilter(eFilterLog::EQUAL_DEBUG | eFilterLog::EQUAL_WARN | eFilterLog::EQUAL_FATAL);
LOGGATOR(logExample, DEBUG) << "example Debug"; // OK
LOGGATOR(logExample, INFO)  << "example Info";  //    KO
LOGGATOR(logExample, WARN)  << "example Warn";  // OK
LOGGATOR(logExample, DEBUG) << "example Error"; //    KO
LOGGATOR(logExample, CRIT)  << "example Crit";  //    KO
LOGGATOR(logExample, ALERT) << "example Alert"; //    KO
LOGGATOR(logExample, EMERG) << "example Emerg"; //    KO
LOGGATOR(logExample, FATAL) << "example Fatal"; // OK

Configuration FILE


# comment
Filter  = "EQUAL_DEBUG"
Format  = "{TIME:%y/%m/%d %X.%N: }"
File    = "debug.log"
Child   = "test" # call loggator "test" when "debug" is call
Listen  = "test" # call loggator "debug" when "test" is call

Filter  = INFO, DEBUG, WARN ; separator |,+
File    = "test.log"
OpenMode= "TRUNC"

Name    = "main" ; change name "default" to "main"
Child   = "test,debug" ; separator |,+
Mute    = true


#include "loggator.hpp"

using namespace Log;

int main()
    if (Loggator::openConfig("loggator.ini") == false)
        std::cerr << "Open LOGGATOR config Fail" << std::endl;
        return (1);
    Loggator &mainLog = LOGGATOR("main");
    LOGGATOR(mainLog, DEBUG) << "(main)  => test => debug"; // main is mute
    LOGGATOR("test",  DEBUG) << "test    => debug";
    LOGGATOR("debug", DEBUG) << "debug   => test";
    LOGGATOR("main",  INFO)  << "(main)  => test => (debug)"; // debug has not good filter
    LOGGATOR("test",  INFO)  << "test    => (debug)";
    LOGGATOR("debug", INFO)  << "(debug) => test";
    return (0);

// debug.log:
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910: (main)  => test => debug"
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910: test    => debug
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910: debug   => test

// test.log:
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910 [DEBUG] main.cpp:13:main: main: (main)  => test => debug
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910 [DEBUG] main.cpp:14:main: test: test    => debug
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910 [DEBUG] main.cpp:15:main: debug: debug   => test
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910 [INFO ] main.cpp:16:main: main: (main)  => test => (debug)
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910 [INFO ] main.cpp:17:main: test: test    => (debug)
// 70/01/01 01:23:45.678910 [INFO ] main.cpp:18:main: debug: (debug) => test