This module gather the basic tools one usually needs in astrophysics and cosmology
Jupyter Notebook
- 0
Pypi version
#74 opened by vbrinnel - 1
- 1
'lbda' AttributeError for newly added instruments
#70 opened by rrgupta - 1
syntax error on import in galex.py
#68 opened by rrgupta - 1
matplotlib required
#63 opened by ufeindt - 0
sncosmo does not have dust map anymore
#62 opened by MickaelRigault - 1
errorbar crap. See notebook of simsurvey
#50 opened by MickaelRigault - 1
module function as get_***
#34 opened by MickaelRigault - 1
- 0
#51 opened by MickaelRigault - 3
Fitter class
#41 opened by ufeindt - 2
Fuction to import ZTF schedule sim output
#42 opened by ufeindt - 0
SDSS background.
#44 opened by MickaelRigault - 0
- 1
- 1
Aperture Method ownerships
#27 opened by MickaelRigault - 3
sdss background and sky
#35 opened by MickaelRigault - 0
hst contours with subdata extraction
#33 opened by MickaelRigault - 0
Voronoy plot. Clean edge
#32 opened by MickaelRigault - 13
Run Test with PTF data
#30 opened by MickaelRigault - 2
mjd_obstime access error
#31 opened by vbrinnel - 1
PTF astLib WCS dependency
#28 opened by MickaelRigault - 0
PTF mab0
#29 opened by MickaelRigault - 1
- 3
construction of _plot dictionnary
#24 opened by MickaelRigault - 1
MW dust map not downloading if missing
#25 opened by ufeindt - 1
remove_label in multiband
#1 opened by MickaelRigault - 1
SurveyPlan object and lightcurve simulation
#18 opened by ufeindt - 9
dust map cannot be opened
#15 opened by MickaelRigault - 1
Dust Map sncosmo dependency
#16 opened by MickaelRigault - 7
MW E(B-V) from dust maps
#13 opened by ufeindt - 0
skyplot RA label in middle of plot
#6 opened by ufeindt - 1
insert_ax on bottom
#10 opened by ufeindt - 3
sky area in degree2
#7 opened by MickaelRigault - 8
sky display
#4 opened by MickaelRigault