* If you find something odd, wrong or lacking, please email me; Mikael Öhman <mikael.ohman@chalmers.se> But *please* do NOT email me about standard latex questions, but only things specific to the chalmers-thesis document class. * These files have been distributed through: http://www.github.com/Micket/chalmers * No files with the Example prefix are necessary, but recommended to include as they serve as documentation. * Sources for images comes from src_figures which aren't necessary for end users of the themes. * If you are using the Chalmers linux system, you need to add texlive 2010 which is in unsup. In short, add this line . /chalmers/sw/unsup/texlive/bashrc.inc to ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile The file contains paths to the newer version of latex. * subfiles is not in texlive yet. If you wish to use it, run latex on the *.ins file and copy everything to ~/texmf/tex/latex/subfiles/ Subfiles package is available at http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/subfiles * Template should work with either lualatex (possible xelatex) or pdflatex. With a recent version of lualatex installed, it should be preferred as it will give smaller files with nicer fonts (and more features).