COVID-19 prevention & safety dedicated mobile app by Micro Club members & instigated by MI Agency. This projects is focused on the COVID-19 breakout on national level (Algeria). (Project open for contribution):octocat:.
ps: "Zitcode19" is just the project's code name (bit random...).
An application which facilitates the management of epidemic crises. It offers the possibility of tracking pharmacies and health centers, having an up-to-date map of risk areas and also having up-to-date feed of directives from the Ministry of Health and WHO. It will also be linked to a donation platform to help the community in crisis.
The "dev" branch is dedicated to continuous development (all sorts of work to be pushed here) & Master branch is updated once the work's tested and aprooved by dev & maintainers.
Dev branch is usually the branch ahead, so always update your fork and pull the dev branch first to get latest updates before pushing anything to avoid conflicts.
Contribution: Please read the Contribution Rules
So you want to contribute? easy:
- Fork the project
- Make your changes
- Push to your own fork
- Make a Pull Request from your fork to the "dev" branch of the original project
- That's it, wait for the maintainer to review your PR and approve it!
- This is a volunteering work (non-profit) and everyone is welcome to contribute to the project!
- All new pushed feature/fix & Pull Requests should be made to the dev branch of the project (maintainers will update the master branch once it's deemed stable & approved)
- All uploaded contributions should follow the dedicated structure:
- Front-end > /app-client
- Back-end > /app-server
- Always check the repo's issues📌 to avoid duplicates.
- Always initiate an issue📌 before taking on a task / making contribution (add feature/bug fix/report bug/request feature ...etc) (use labels 🔖 to mark your issues!)
- All kind of contribution is welcome:
- (adding features✨, bug fix🔧, bug report🐛, porting to different platform📱, design✒️, documentation📝, fixing typos, suggesting feature, suggestion tech&API ...etc).
- If the PR doesn't align with the project and the repo's rules then it will be marked as invalid ❌ and modification will be suggested by maintainers.
Login & Home Page | Zones | |
Prototype gif Update: 18/04/2020 |
Language: Ability to chose interface language (Arabic/English/French).
Map: includes target zones & establishements:
- Risk: zones are tagged in the map (most infected by the corona virus).
- Medical Establishments: Sanitary & Medical Establishments are tagged in the map (Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies ...etc).
Declaration: Related to suspect/confirmed COVID-19 case or other disease that needs medical attention;
- Possibility to report a suspect case / user own case of COVID-19 to authorities.
- Possibility to contact health establishements for remote counsultation.
Check up: This tab will contain a to-do/check-box list of the imperative sanitary and hygiene actions to be done. (Backed by push notification alert) e.g: Lockdown time start, Wearing masks before going out, Washing hands every 30mn, ... etc.
Agenda: This tab will provide visibility on the incubation days count of the user.
- Relative to the last time the user was in a risk-zone. (alert notification) > lasts 14 days.
- Allows user to check other user's Agenda on their contact list.
Donation: Donations must be guided in such a way that the donor can only offer hygiene items, medicine, food supplies and first aid items.(alert notification)
No monetary donation is accepted. ❌
- Check-points: a list of offered donation and where to locate the collection check-point.
Notifications: A notification system for different updates or reminders.
Hey, psst! Wanna make things easier and avoid using CLI for Git? At Micro Club we like to use a legendary Git tool!
Here take this, it's dangerous to go alone: GitKraken
- Download the Git GUI client
- Sign up for the Glo Issue Boards (contact repo maintainer to add you to the Glo Issue Board of the team!)
Stay Home 🏠 Stay safe and Hack COVID-19!
📧 Email:
LinkedIn Page: Micro Club
LinkedIn Contact: Micro Club USTHB
Facebook: Micro Club USTHB
MI Agency: MI Agency