
Context menus for VueJS

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


The plugin is VERY minimal and does NOT provide any styling or anything. This simplifies context menus implementation but that's it.


There are three steps for using this plugin.

Step 1: Create context menu

  <ContextMenu ref="contextMenu">
    interesting stuff

  import ContextMenu from '@overcoder/vue-context-menu';
  export default {
    components: {

Step 2: Trigger the menu

    <li v-for="cats in cat" :key="cat.id"
      @contextmenu.prevent="event => contextMenu.open(event)">
      {{ cat.name }}

Test it out, context menu should work now (assuming cats).

Step 3: Make it useful

Ok first of all you noticed the event is passed to contextMenu.open and this is to determine mouse location etc.

Now this plugin supports thing called contexts, here's an example:

    <li v-for="cats in cat" :key="cat.id"
      @contextmenu.prevent="event => contextMenu.open(event, cat)">
      {{ cat.name }}

You can see we provided the cat as the second parameter to contextMenu.open. We gave it a context. Now you can access this context within the menu itself:

  <ContextMenu ref="contextMenu">
    <template v-slot="slotProps"> <!-- slotsProps are props passed from child to slot in parent -->
      <!-- Now, here slotProps.ctx does contain the context (cat) BUT -->
      <template v-if="slotProps.ctx"> <!-- we need to add this since context is null on initial render -->
        <!-- Now we can peacefully access slotProps.ctx without getting any errors -->

        {{ slotProps.ctx.name }}

That's all I think.

Other things

  • close() closes the menu
  • You can also do open() without passing an event to open the menu at last position (defaults to 0,0)