
Demo showcasing multiple authentication strategies via passport

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a demo of how you can incorporate multiple authentication strategies within the same document via passport. The home page features a list of login methods that are available for demo. The protected route can only be viewed when a valid login has been provided. Normal registration and login is provided via a passport local strategy while other OAuth strategies are used when demoing the remaining third party login methods.


How to Run

npm install, npm start

You will need to add your own credentials as environment variables, see config/keys.js for the complete list being imported.

General Breakdown

Refer to the following flowchart to see the login/authorization flow. As you peruse the code base you will be able to view notes and comments that outline the steps in this flow so that you can more easily digest all the steps involved in setting up the different authentication methods.

OAuth Flowchart

Json-db has been setup as a mock single source database with promise query wrappers to emulate the steps typically involved when calling to and from an external database.


bcryptjs, cookie-session, ejs, express, morgan, node-json-db, passport, passport-local, passport-oauth (various third party strategies), uuidv4


Matthew Fisher