Portfolio Instruments is a full-stack website built with all the tools needed to manage your passive investment portfolio.
Portfolio Instruments is useful for both beginner and advanced investors. Portfolio Instruments will take snapshots of your portfolio at various points in time and provide rebalance guidelines based on user-defined criteria.
Portfolio Instruments provides strong benchmark portfolios from which to reference so that users of all backgrounds have an easy way to manage their money. Portfolio Instruments provides an intuitive dashboard display that shows all the information that one might require as a passive investor.
For a large part of my early adult life, I spent a great deal of time reading about effective passive investing strategies. I have been an avid investor since I first began working, and I continue to believe that a solid passive investing strategy can greatly reduce the financial stress in ones life by providing greater stability.
Throughout my adult life, I have found myself repeating certain investing rebalance calculations which have become very tedious. This website was built to automate and intuitively display much of this information required to analyze your passive portfolio.
Many newcomers are usually unaware of how to begin investing. This website also aims to reduce the stress of passive investing for the new investor by breaking down strong benchmark portfolios that have been pre-chosen based on stability and popularity.
Check it out here: Portfolio Instruments
Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5w9EerJPUE
You can use the following demo account to take a look at the full layout and dashboard features.
Username: hello_world@gmail.com Password: 1234
To access all the full features, you will need to register your own account.
Note: The server is hosted on the free tier of Heroku and has been known to take a while to boot up from inactivity. Please be patient when first loading while the server wakes back up - it may initially take a few tries!
Front-End Technologies: Typescript, React, Redux Toolkit, Redux Saga, React Router, HTML, CSS, Redux Persist, Axios, React-Chartjs2, Formik, Yup
Back-End Technologies: Typescript, Node, Express, Passport, Sequelize, Bcrypt, PM2, PostgreSQL, jsonwebtoken, Morgan, Debug, Cors, Compression, Helmet, Node Cron, Winston, JOI, Nodemailer
Git Commits: git commitizen
Formatting: Prettier + Custom
Hosted: Postgres Database - ElephantSQL, Heroku - Express Server, Netlify - React Front End
Auto-suggest feature for Tickers using external API (Medium)CompletedCustom Benchmarks (Medium-Hard)Completed- Customize Chart Range (Hard)
- Emergency Cash Option + Breakdown (Medium)
JSON export (Easy)CompletedDelete AccountCompleted- Refactor/Clean-up Sagas
- Compute average annual gain
- Testing