

How to use

  1. Add [LocalizationManager.Avalonia][nuget] nuget package to your project:

    dotnet add package LocalizationManager.Avalonia
  2. Edit App.axaml.cs file:

    If you install 1.0.0-* version or higher, use this:

      public override void RegisterServices()
         // if you use xml language  please MakeXmlFileProvider and set xml path and filename
         AvaloniaLocator.CurrentMutable.UseLocalizationManager(() =>
             var appDirectory = AppContext.BaseDirectory;
             //var path = Path.Combine(appDirectory, "Assets", "Languages");
             //var appDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
             var path = Path.Combine(appDirectory, "Assets", "Languages");
             return LocalizationProviderExtensions.MakeXmlFileProvider(path, "language");
         // Or
         // if you use resource language use this, please MakeResourceProvider and set the resourcemanagers 
         AvaloniaLocator.CurrentMutable.UseLocalizationManager(() =>
             return LocalizationProviderExtensions.MakeResourceProvider(LanguageResourceHelper.LanguageResourceManager);
  3. You can custom the resource provider

    If you use other language files or methods, you can implement the interface -- ILocalizationProvider

    and set for UseLocalizationManager


You can always download demo executable to play around with LocalizationManager


Version compatibility

LocalizationManager.Avalonia Version Avalonia Version
0.1.0-preview6.x 11.0-preview6
0.1.0-preview7.x 11.0-preview7
0.1.0-preview8.x 11.0-preview8
0.1.0-rc1.x 11.0-rc1.x


LocalizationManager.Avalonia is moving forward together with Avalonia preview versions now. So new feature/fixes are not backported to previous preview versions. If you need a feature/fix for outdated avalonia preview version, please raise an issue so we can do that for you.

