A lightweight and efficient MQTT client based on DotNetty (from Azure team) that only supports MQTT-v5.0.
- Digital certificate (Two-way or One-way)
- Extended Authentication
- Auto reconnect
- Support ILogger
- User Properties
- Payload Format Indicator & Content Type
- Shared Subscriptions
- Reason Codes & Reason Strings
- Session management: Session Expiry & Message Expiry
- Repeated topics when publishing
- Publication Expiry interval
- Publish Reason Codes
- Disconnect notification
- Windows
- Linux
- MacOS
var options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
.WithCredentials("user", "password")
.WithUserProperty("name", "value 1")
.WithUserProperty("name", "value 2")
.WithWillPayload("will message")
.WithWillUserProperty("name", "value 3")
//var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(x => x.AddConsole());
//var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<MqttClient>();
//var client = new MqttClient(options, logger);
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddMqttClient(options).AddLogging(x => x.AddConsole());
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var client = serviceProvider.GetService<MqttClient>();
var i = 0;
client.OnConnectedAsync = async () =>
Console.WriteLine("### CONNECTED WITH SERVER ###");
Console.WriteLine($"### CLIENT ID: {client.Options.ClientId} ###");
var topicFilters = new TopicFiltersBuilder()
.WithTopicFilter("topic/1", MqttQos.ExactlyOnce)
.WithTopicFilter("topic/2", MqttQos.ExactlyOnce)
var subscribeResult = await client.SubscribeAsync(topicFilters);
foreach (var item in subscribeResult)
Console.WriteLine($"+ ReasonCode = {item.ReasonCode}, Topic = {item.TopicName}");
while (client.IsConnected)
await Task.Delay(1000);
Console.WriteLine("### PUBLISH MESSAGE ###");
await client.PublishAsync(x => x
.WithPayload($"Hello MQTT-v5.0, {i}")
.WithUserProperty("name1", "value 1")
.WithUserProperty("name2", "value 2")
.WithUserProperties(new[] { new UserProperty("name3", "value 3"), new UserProperty("name4", "value 4") })
await Task.CompletedTask;
//connection lost
client.OnConnectionLostAsync = async ex =>
Console.WriteLine("### CONNECTION LOST ###");
Console.WriteLine($"### Exception: {ex.Message} ###");
await Task.CompletedTask;
//receive message
client.OnApplicationMessageReceivedAsync = async x =>
Console.WriteLine($"### RECEIVED APPLICATION MESSAGE ###");
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"));
Console.WriteLine($"+ Topic = {x.TopicName}");
Console.WriteLine($"+ Payload = {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(x.Payload)}");
Console.WriteLine($"+ QoS = {x.Qos}");
Console.WriteLine($"+ Retain = {x.Retain}");
Console.WriteLine($"+ UserProperties = {string.Join("; ", x.UserProperties.Select(x => $"{x.Name}: {x.Value}").ToArray())}");
await Task.CompletedTask;
client.OnDisconnectedAsync = async ex =>
Console.WriteLine("### DISCONNECTED FROM SERVER ###");
throw ex;
//connect to server
var result = await client.ConnectAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"### CONNECT RESULT ###");
//await Task.Delay(10000);
//await client.DisconnectAsync();
Special thanks are hereby given to the above projects.