
Organization chart webpart does not work with "?env=WebView"

tb1978x opened this issue · 4 comments

Screenshot 2023-08-02 123816
The org chart webpart displays an error message if the env=WebView querystring parameter is added. The root user is displayed with "[name] cannot be found. Try a different person"

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PatD commented

Assign this fix to me please.

Done! Sorry for the lag.

PatD commented

@tb1978x I tested it in my tenant and what I observed was that it shows "[name] cannot be found. Try a different person" for a second... then reloads the page with the org chart. So maybe it is functionally ok, but an odd user experience. I'll put a note in on the article about it. Thanks for calling this one in!

Update: I tried it with Embedded, not WebView. My bad for misreading. Confirmed same results as you got with =WebView.