
Documentation discrepancy for CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions.IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled property

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In the Custom crash reporting section of the Overview of WebWiew2 APIs it says:

To prevent crash dumps from being sent to Microsoft, set the IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled property to false.

But the documentation of that property itself says:

When IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled is set to true, Windows won't send crash data to Microsoft endpoint.

I tend to believe that the latter is correct. Could you please confirm and update the docs accordingly?

Hi, @fs-idesis!

It seems that your issue contains the word "crash". If you have not already, could you attach a crash dump as a comment?

WV2 crash dumps are located in a subfolder of the app's user data folder (UDF): <UDF>\EBWebView\Crashpad\reports\. By default, the user data folder is created in the app's folder with a name like <App Exe Name>.exe.WebView2. Refer to Crash Diagnostics for more information.

Thank you for your cooperation!

already fixed #4965