- 2
[Problem/Bug]: There's a momentary white splash screen when you open Edge (fixed in Brave, Vivaldi)
#4953 opened by n8creator - 0
[Problem/Bug]: Test failures with Latest Edge Canary (133.0.3010.0 canary)
#5018 opened by charleshoangms - 0
- 5
[Problem/Bug]: Found conflicts between different versions of "WindowsBase" that could not be resolved
#4959 opened by mikemeinz - 2
[Problem/Bug]: webview not initializing/rendering when UDF folder is not present
#5014 opened by mhdshameel - 4
[Feature]: Want to inject WebView2 into WinRE.wim. We have customized WinRE environment in which we need WebView2 to inject for browser support.
#5002 opened by Devanath88 - 6
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 2
[Problem/Bug]: File / Folder Browse dialog opening can cause an AppCrash
#4998 opened by IDS-Skunkworks - 2
- 0
[Problem/Bug]: In WebView2-hosted page, JavaScript window's position properties initially have wrong values
#5003 opened by SpoilerJones - 1
- 0
[Problem/Bug]: HdmiDisplayInformation.getForCurrentView().getSupportedDisplayModes() throws error in JS
#4958 opened by reece-white - 7
[Problem/Bug]: Videos don't load correctly
#4989 opened by DmitryBorodiy - 2
Documentation discrepancy for CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions.IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled property
#4991 opened by fs-idesis - 0
- 11
[Problem/Bug]: Black Screen on video with DRM using keysystem Hardware or recommendation.3000
#4935 opened by slherm - 1
[Problem/Bug]: Webview2 not initialised 0x8007139F
#4973 opened by MLammerS3 - 1
[Problem/Bug]: Gamepad and Pointer Lock APIs not working in "Window to visual" hosting mode
#4968 opened by AshleyScirra - 2
[Problem/Bug]: Initialization failed due to a mismatch in DPI awareness (0x8007139F)
#4971 opened by vividand - 0
- 1
[Problem/Bug]: App hard-crashes if the requesting webview is disposed around the time we assign the new webview to NewWindow
#4975 opened by pushkin- - 0
[Problem/Bug]: AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount false doesn't work, systems microsoft account is always used!
#4980 opened by haefele - 1
The CacheFolder is locked by msedgewebview2.exe and cannot be deleted even when the app is closed.
#4983 opened by bearsInformation - 0
[Feature]: Add split screen support
#4984 opened by criddell - 0
[Problem/Bug]: SourceBuffer.changeType always fails with Edge 130 on Xbox
#4988 opened by tvanlaerhoven - 1
[Problem/Bug]: WebView2 + WinUI3 + NativeAOT fails with TypeLoadException: Method 'GetVirtualMethodTableInfoForKey' does not have an implementation
#4962 opened by mfeingol - 6
AddBrowserExtensionAsync Error
#4977 opened by bearsInformation - 3
- 4
[Problem]: Version number is no longer shown on website
#4963 opened by dbCF - 2
[Feature]: allow disabling crashpad process
#4966 opened by pushkin- - 3
[Feature]: Devtools open event should be there such that opening of new window can be prevented
#4948 opened by rahullli - 1
[Problem/Bug]: Xbox runtime error
#4946 opened by ProtoScott - 2
- 6
[Problem/Bug]: WebView2CompositionControl Not Displayed Correctly with Multiple TabItems
#4941 opened by cmiles - 1
[Problem/Bug]: Runtime
#4955 opened by jarno9981 - 0
- 0
[Problem/Bug]: WebView DevTools PrintToPdf hangs in Server Environment, while WebView.PrintToPdfStreamAsync() works
#4961 opened by RickStrahl - 0
Playing videos still prevents the system from entering sleep mode or activating the screensaver
#4957 opened by Taiizor - 0
[Problem/Bug]: Touching to select text will display a mini menu and is not interactive
#4954 opened by Richasy - 1
- 0
WebView2 Initialization Error in WinPE x64
#4951 opened by Abithk7-1 - 4
- 0
- 0
[Feature]: have a way to set focus/blur state of the WebView2 without HWND c++
#4944 opened by pichillilorenzo - 9
[Problem/Bug]: On Share , new window is opened , but event not coming on newWindowRequested
#4938 opened by rahullli - 0
Brok paraíso
#4940 opened by Hellenblox3 - 0
Paraíso brook
#4943 opened by Hellenblox3