AZ-400 Course Repository for Labs and Demos.
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Lab 13 (
#621 opened by TesterTesterson1004 - 1
M04-L10: Will the dockercompose YAML file need updating / be getting updated?
#618 opened by LewisGoDeploy - 10
M04-LAB10: Instructions tell to use a "previously created Service Principal" never created in the lab
#615 opened by massimobonanni - 5
M03-L08: Release pipelines
#616 opened by LewisGoDeploy - 0
M04_L11: A YAML pipeline will re-create a deleted resource group if the pipeline is left in place when done.
#612 opened by sbonds - 1
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Lab Package Management with Azure Artifacts
#597 opened by azurearchitect786 - 1
M01_L01_Agile_Plan_and_Portfolio_Management_with_Azure_Boards: Wrong colored card
#593 opened by Neophear - 1
M06-L12-EX01-TASK02-STEP04: Repo folder change (bicep --> infra) not updated with image
#591 opened by christiannagel - 0
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M03-L08_AZ400_Control_Deployments_using_Release_Gates: Sync with Azure portal
#600 opened by maartenvandiemen - 2
Module 03: Design and implement a release strategy
#596 opened by manishrps - 1
M01_L01_Agile_Plan_and_Portfolio_Management_with_Azure_Boards: Updated Layout Screenshot and instructions
#598 opened by lightdrive - 2
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M07-Package Management with Azure Artifacts
#580 opened by magicsst - 6
M03-Configure Pipelines as Code with YAML -- Problem back again -- Can't do lab
#576 opened by ElaMark - 1
M01-LAB01: Dashboard widget missing.
#589 opened by MedJoudi - 0
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M04-Enable Dynamic Configuration and Feature Flags: UI changes need to be reflected in instructions
#584 opened by mkennten - 0
Multiple Labs: Labs should explicitly set the default branch when importing eShopOnWeb
#585 opened by rob-foulkrod - 0
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Pages for exercise are returning 404
#570 opened by YohannesKifle - 1
M08_L14_Monitor_Application_Performance_with_Azure_Load_Testing ("WorkloadIdentityFederation" is not supported") issue
#571 opened by ahsan296 - 13
M03-Implementing GitHub Actions for CI/CD : GitHub Actions can't find the Web app that already been provisioned.
#565 opened by msftnutta - 4
Integrating Azure Key Vault with Azure DevOps : Docker-compose task problem
#567 opened by chtourou-youssef - 2
M03-Implementing GitHub Actions for CI/CD
#563 opened by ElaMark - 1
M01-Agile Planning and Portfolio Management with Azure Boards: Search name for work item assignment
#561 opened by paul-msft - 1
M09-Lab 16 - Monitoring Application Performance: Lacks appsettings to deploy correctly
#560 opened by rob-foulkrod - 14
M04-LAB07 Controlling Deployments using Classic Release Gates - problem when deploying eshoponweb new code
#552 opened by jajjaf - 1
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M03-LAB06: Main Branch set to deny Pushes to main and AZ container registry error
#525 opened by Skillable-Dev-Ap - 4
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M05_L10M00-LAB00: Updating YAML 'NAME' field isn't straight forward and no 'Important!' not regarding granting permissions on first pipeline build.
#550 opened by jones065 - 3
Sonarcloud Lab: "new code definition" moved
#545 opened by unaihuete93 - 0
Lab 1 picture should be replaced
#543 opened by unaihuete93 - 1
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Labs have warnings in them when deploying
#542 opened by limeman40 - 2
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M09-LAB16: references a prior project name
#528 opened by Skillable-Dev-Ap - 1
M09-Monitoring Application Performance with Application Insights and Azure Load Testing: Numbering and YAML broken
#534 opened by mkennten - 1
M03-Configuring Agent Pools and Understanding Pipeline Styles: Instructions don't match when no pipeline has been created yet
#535 opened by mkennten - 1
M03-Configuring Agent Pools and Understanding Pipeline Styles: Agent Pool needs to be removed from pipeline
#536 opened by mkennten