The Naiad system provides fast incremental and iterative computation for data-parallel workloads
- 8
Question: Planned support for mono?
#16 opened by alvinauyoung - 1
- 2
- 2
how to configur the build setting
#23 opened by DongZhaoYu - 0
Better key management
#3 opened by michaelisard - 1
- 2
Using the min function in Naiad
#22 opened by tmalhotra003 - 14
#21 opened by khgl - 21
Exception in auto-generated serialization code
#20 opened by utaal - 9
Sync does not seem to block - Exceptions/computations stuck when running in distributed mode
#18 opened by utaal - 1
- 3
Serialization issues
#17 opened by utaal - 6
Question: computation scheduling?
#15 opened by Frank-Wu - 0
No way to cancel a computation once it has been created, without leaking resources
#14 opened by mrry - 0
- 2
- 0
NaiadAzureSubmission does not work on HDInsight 3.1
#11 opened by mrry - 0
- 0
- 1
Serialization code generation is broken on Mono
#10 opened by mrry - 0
Examples project does not build on Mono
#9 opened by mrry - 0
- 2
window based operators
#2 opened by TonyAbell - 8
Why does Naiad have its own Pair type?
#1 opened by hmansell