
Discord Epic RPG farm bot with CAPTCHA(BAN) protection 🗿

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EpicRPG Farm Bot V0.0.1(BETA)

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To get auth key, join the Discord server here, go to #🤖・bot-commands, and send s!key. The official bot will directly message you with the key.


⭐・Star History
⚙・Config.json example
💎・Get Token
📚・Discord RPC
⚠️・Captcha Alert
🔗・Required Links

⭐・Star History

Goal: / 512

⭐⭐⭐ You can also give this repository a star so that others know we're trusted!

Star History Chart

❗・Important (Anyone using the bot is deemed to have read and accepted these)

  • Use of this farm bot may lead to actions being taken against your EpicRPG profile and/or your Discord account. We are not responsible for them.
  • Discord may restart as a result of discord RPC overload.


  • Auto Commands:

    • Rewards:
      • Daily
      • Weekly
    • Experience:
      • Hunt
      • Adventure
      • Training
    • Progress:
      • Farm
        • Working:
          • Chop
          • Fish
          • Pickup
          • Mine
          • Axe
          • Net
          • Ladder
  • Event:

    • Auto Join Events
    • Auto Special Trade
    • Auto Accept Arena
  • Inventory:

    • Auto Check Inventory
    • Auto Use Life Potion (Heal)
    • Auto Use Selected LootBoxes
    • Auto Sell Selected Items
  • Discord RPC

  • Auto Phrases Send

  • Captcha(Ban) Protection v0.0.1 (beta)


⚙・config.json example

    "midoservices_authkey": "mido_services.xxx", / Enter Your midoservices authkey

    "prefix": "e!", / Enter Prefix
    "token": "", / Enter Account Token
    "channelid": "", / Enter channel id where the bot will work
    "userid": "", / Enter your discord account user id
    "commands": {
        "rewards": {
            "daily": true, / true or false
            "weekly": true / true or false
        "experience": {
            "hunt": true, / true or false
            "adventure": true, / true or false
            "training": true / true or false
        "progress": {
            "farm": false, / true or false
            "working": { / !!!! Make only 1 true in working commands, if you make more than 1 true, chop will be selected automatically.
                "chop": false, / true or false
                "fish": true, / true or false
                "pickup": false, / true or false
                "mine": false, / true or false
                "axe": false, / true or false
                "net": false, / true or false
                "ladder": false / true or false
    "settings": {
        "discordrpc": true, / true or false
        "autophrases": true, / true or false
        "event": {
            "autojoin": true, / true or false
            "autospecialtrade": true, / true or false
            "autoarena": true / true or false

        "inventory": {
            "check": true, / true or false
            "lifepotion": {
                "autouse": true, / true or false
                "hplimit": 170 / will automatically use a life potion when your health drops below this value
            "lootbox": {
                "autouse": true, / true or false
                "types": {
                    "common lootbox": true, / true or false
                    "uncommon lootbox": true, / true or false
                    "rare lootbox": true, / true or false
                    "EPIC lootbox": true, / true or false
                    "EDGY lootbox": true, / true or false
                    "OMEGA lootbox": true / true or false
            "sell": {
                "enable": false, / true or false
                "types": {
                    "normie fish": true, / true or false
                    "golden fish": true, / true or false
                    "EPIC fish": true, / true or false
                    "wooden log": true, / true or false
                    "EPIC log": true, / true or false
                    "SUPER log": true, / true or false
                    "apple": false, / true or false
                    "banana": false, / true or false
                    "bread": false, / true or false
                    "carrot": false, / true or false
                    "flask": true, / true or false
                    "wolf skin": true, / true or false
                    "zombie eye": true / true or false

💎・Get Token


  1. Open your preferred browser (with developer tools) and login to https://discord.com/app
  2. Press CTRL + Shift + I and open the Console tab.
  3. Paste the following code.
  4. The text returned (excluding the quotes ') will be your Discord account token.
    (e) => {
        for (let t in ((m = []), e.c)) m.push(e.c[t]);
    .find((e) => e?.exports?.default?.getToken !== void 0)


  1. Open Chrome
  2. Create a bookmark (by clicking on star button in 3 dots menu)
  3. Edit it and set name to Token Finder and url to the following code:
    javascript: (webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[""],{},(e)=>{m=[];for (let c in e.c) m.push(e.c[c]);},]),m).find((m) => m?.exports?.default?.getToken%20!==%20void%200)%20%20%20%20.exports.default.getToken();
  4. Open https://discord.com/app and log in.
  5. Tap on search bar and type Token Finder (don't search it just type)
  6. Click on the bookmark named Token Finder.
  7. A new page will open, the text in the page will be your Discord account token.

📚・Discord RPC

⚠️・Captcha Alert


If you want the captcha alert to work properly, turn off do not disturb

🔗・Required Links

Farm Bot ZIP File


🖥️・Windows / Linux

# Check Node.js version:
node -v

# Clone the files with git:
git clone https://github.com/Mid0aria/epicrpgfarmbot
# Optionally you can also download from github at https://github.com/Mid0aria/epicrpgfarmbot/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

# Enter into the cloned directory:
cd epicrpgfarmbot

# Configure the bot:
notepad config.json # On windows
nano config.json # On linux, can also use any other preferred file writing software

# Run the bot:
node bot.js

📱・Android / iOS (Termux)

# Install:

apt update -y && apt upgrade -y && pkg install wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mid0aria/epicrpgfarmbot/main/termux-setup.sh
sh termux-setup.sh

# Configure the bot:

cd epicrpgfarmbot
nano config.json

# Run the bot:
node bot.js