Allows to perform "devops" tasks from Slack
You will need to get a slack API token (can be done from Slack web UI)
Store the slack token in a file and set the filename in environment variable
echo `read -p "Enter the slack token key: "; echo $REPLY` > ./secret-slack-token
export slack_token_path=./secret-slack-token
Run the chatops server
npm install
npm start
Assuming you have following the quickstart and have the slack token in ./secret-slack-token
docker build -t midburn-chatops .
docker run -it \
-v `pwd`/secret-slack-token:/src/secret-slack-token \
-e slack_token_path=./secret-slack-token \
To run K8S environment commands locally you should follow the midburn K8S README so you have access to a cluster.
Ensure it works by running a kubectl command, e.g. kubectl get nodes
environment variable to the full path of the midburn k8s repo, e.g.
export MIDBURN_K8S_PATH=/home/user/workspace/midburn-k8s
Run the chatops server from the same shell
npm start
Deployment commands should work (assuming you have the right permissions for your service account)
It works as any other sk8s-ops image
You can use the script to run it:
wget && chmod +x
Build and run the image using run_docker_ops:
docker build -t midburn-chatops . && [ -e ./secret-k8s-ops.json ] &&\
./ "staging" \
"source ~/.bashrc; cd /src; npm start" \
"midburn-chatops" \
"Midburn/midburn-k8s" "master" \
"./secret-k8s-ops.json" " -v `pwd`/secret-slack-token:/src/secret-slack-token \
-e slack_token_path=./secret-slack-token "
Run the image directly:
docker build -t midburn-chatops . && [ -e ./secret-k8s-ops.json ] &&\
docker run -it --entrypoint bash \
-v `pwd`/secret-slack-token:/src/secret-slack-token \
-v `pwd`/secret-k8s-ops.json:/k8s-ops/secret.json \
-e slack_token_path=./secret-slack-token \
midburn-chatops \
-c "source ~/.bashrc; cd /src; npm start"