
directus cms onpremise with aws ec2

Primary LanguageShell

Directus Headless CMS on-premise



Deploy to multiple hosts by specifying host details as comma separated value to fabric like below

fab deploy

See ./fabfile.py for more deployment details

# Fabric  deploy script
# Supported Python version python 2.X
# Prerequisites
# pip see: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing/#install-or-upgrade-pip
# fabric see: http://www.fabfile.org/
# Amazon AWS Docker Image - aws-elasticbeanstalk-amzn-2016.09.1.x86_64-docker-hvm-201703022213 - ami-0cf1e468
# Helper shell scripts in bin directory at project root
#   bin
#   ├── kill-all-dockers
#   ├── start
#   └── store-archive
# Environment variables of ec2 instanecs host names
# SSH_USER - ec2 user
# SSH_HOSTS - ec2 instances as a comma seperated string
# SSH_KEY_FILE_NAME  - Path to ssh key(pem file usually)