
A wrapper for a shell which will make a copy of everything printed to the terminal.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


rootsh is a wrapper for a shell which will make a copy of everything printed on the terminal.

Its main purpose is to give ordinary users a shell with root privileges while keeping an eye on what they type. This is accomplished by allowing them to execute rootsh via the sudo command or calling rootsh in your shell's /etc/profile.d/ scripts.

Unlike a simple sudo -s which is the usual way doing this, sudo rootsh will send their terminal keystrokes and output to a logfile and eventually to a remote syslog server, where they are out of reach and safe from manipulation.


It can vary:

  • Sometimes users need to perform tasks on a system which are too complex to be expressed in sudo rules
  • Sometimes there is management pressure to give a user root shell access
  • Sometimes you're just tired arguing with users who insist in having root privileges.

With rootsh you can give your users access to a root shell while auditing their actions.


rootsh will be mainly used to give normal users the privilege of a shell running under uid 0. This can be accomplished in a couple ways:

  1. calling rootsh via sudo
  2. calling rootsh in your shell's start scripts, e.g. in a script under /etc/profile.d

Via sudo

For example you have to grant user usr1234 local root privileges on their workstation ws0001, you can make an entry in a file under /etc/sudoers.d/ like this:

usr1234		ws0001		= /bin/rootsh

They will then have to type the following to become root:

usr1234@ws0001:~> sudo rootsh
ws0001:~ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
ws0001:~ # 
ws0001:~ # exit

If compiled rootsh with the default settings, the keystrokes and output will be sent line by line to the syslog daemon using priority local5.info. To collect the output coming from running rootsh commands in a specific file make an entry in your /etc/syslog.conf like this:

local5.notice	/var/log/rootshell

or maybe like this:

local5.notice	@your_central_syslog_host

The generated syslog entries will look like this:

Jul  2 17:44:19 ws0001 rootsh-020a: usr1234=root,/dev/pts/0: logging new rootsh session (rootsh-020a) to /var/log/rootsh/usr1234.20040702174419.020a
Jul  2 17:44:21 ws0001 rootsh-020a: 001: ws0001:~ # id 
Jul  2 17:44:21 ws0001 rootsh-020a: 002: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Jul  2 17:44:22 ws0001 rootsh-020a: 003: ws0001:~ #  
Jul  2 17:46:03 ws0001 rootsh-020a: 004: ws0001:~ # exit 
Jul  2 17:46:03 ws0001 rootsh-020a: 005: exit 
Jul  2 17:46:03 ws0001 rootsh-020a: 006: *** rootsh session ended by user
Jul  2 17:46:03 ws0001 rootsh-020a: usr1234,/dev/pts/0: closing rootsh session (rootsh-020a) 

In the above snippet, the rootsh-020a is an identifier created from the program's name and a 4 digit hex number which is the pid of the rootsh process. It will prepend every line sent to syslog and will help you to find all the entries in a logfile belonging to a specific session.

To find the log information for a session in syslog, follow these steps:

  1. find the "logging new..." line for the session you're interested in
  2. Take the identifier like rootsh-020a in the example and grep all occurences of it from your logfile.
  3. If rootsh is running on many machines, there may be collisions if two rootsh processes have the same pid. Add the hostname to grep's pattern in this case. You will also find the same output locally on the ws0001 host in a file called like this <caller's username>.<timestamp>.<process id>

Depending on your operating system and configuration parameter --with-logdir= these files can be found in /var/log/rootsh, /var/adm/rootsh or your own choice.

The counter after the session identifier can help you find holes if you are not sure weather logging was incomplete (either due to manipulation or network problems).

Finished session's logfiles get ".closed" appended to their names. This helps with cleaning and archiving the logdir.

The rootsh code has some rudimentary tamper detection. If it is triggered, rootsh will attempt tp recreate the file and append ".tampered" instead of ".closed".

Executed via /etc/profile.d Scripts

Additionally, rootsh tool can also be started via profile scripts, like so:

if [[ -x /usr/bin/rootsh ]]; then
	ppid="$(ps -ho ppid $$)"
	curr_shell="$(ps -ho cmd $$)"
	pshell="$(ps -ho cmd $ppid)"
	if ! echo "${curr_shell} ${pshell}" | grep --quiet 'rootsh'; then
		if [[ "${UID}" == 0 || "${EUID}" == 0 ]]; then
			cmd="/usr/bin/rootsh --no-logfile"
			if [[ "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING" ]]; then
				cmd="$cmd -- $BASH_EXECUTION_STRING"
			exec $cmd

Additional features

There are a couple other features that rootsh has that can be useful, depending on a site's needs.

Login Shell Support

rootsh can be started as a login shell, using the "-i" parameter.

Non-root Shell Logging

To run rootsh as a different user, the "-u" parameter can be used. When this option is used the logfile will show "usr1234=root" at the start of the logging. Without using this option the line will show "root=root" as no other user information is available.

How it Works

rootsh works very much like the GNU script utility. It forks and creates a parent/child pseudo-terminal (PTY) pair.

The child PTY will become the controlling terminal of the child process which will execute a shell command. The parent process waits for input from the user's terminal and sends it to screen via the parent PTY.

All output printed, including the echoed input will be written to a logfile and to the syslog daemon. NOTE: this can mean that inadvertently echoed passwords or other sensitive information may be sent over the wire to the syslog servers! To avoid bad actors collecting that information over the wire, if being sent to a remote syslog collector, always encrypt the traffic from the host to the remote syslog collector system.


THIS APPLICATION COMES WITH NO GUARANTEE OF FITNESS OF PURPOSE! While the code is pretty straight-forward, there may be ways to escape the auditing mechanizms provided by rootsh. This is why it is highly recommended to use the default settings for syslog logging, and to use a remote system log storage system that receives logs over an encrypted communications mechanism.