50 Days, 50 Projects: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Welcome to my personal repository for the “50 Days, 50 Projects” challenge based on the O’Reilly Media book series. In this repository, I will be documenting and organizing my journey of completing 50 mini-projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript over the span of 50 days.


This repository is a collection of 50 self-contained projects, each designed to improve my skills in front-end web development. The projects will cover various concepts, techniques, and challenges, helping me to grow as a developer.

Project Structure

Each project follows a consistent structure (lmao as if I’m consistent):

├── index.html
├── css/
│   └── styles.css
└── js/
    └── script.js
  • `index.html`: HTML file for the project’s user interface.
  • `css/styles.css`: CSS file for styling the project.
  • `js/script.js`: JavaScript file for interactivity and functionality.

Additionally, the `images/` directory may contain project-specific images or assets.


  1. Boiler Plate Code
  2. Project 1: Expand Cards
  3. Project 2: page progress bars
  4. Project 3: Slide Away Page
  5. Project 4: Hidden Search
  6. Project 5: Blur Loading Screen
  7. Project 6: Scroll Animation
  8. Project 7: Split Landing Page
  9. Project 8: Login Form Wave
  10. Project 9: Sounds of annoyance
  11. Project 10: API to Literature Clock + Joke
  12. Project 11: Keycode detect and show
  13. Project 12: FAQ Page
  14. Project 13: Choice Maker
  15. Project 14: Nav Fallout
  16. Project 15: Counter thing from all sites
  17. Project 16: Water Cup Count
  18. Project 17: Movie DB from TMDB API
  19. Project 18: Sliding Wallpapers
  20. Project 19: Clock with Date
  21. Project 20: Button Ripple Effect
  22. Project 21: Drag and Drop
  23. Project 22: Drawing Canvas
  24. Project 23: Loading Page
  25. Project 24: Content Box with loading
  26. Project 25: Website Top Bar
  27. Project 26: Vertical Sliders
  28. Project 27: Notification Popup
  29. Project 28: gayhub profile
  30. Project 29: Double Heart Click. Really not interested, like the circle. Heres Github
  31. Project 30: Automatic Text Typing Effect
  32. Project 31: Password Generator
  33. Project 32: slidy radio check box
  34. Project 33: Notes taking app - data storage wont work with hardened firefox

Skipping Chapters to interesting ones

  1. Project 36: Hover Highlight grid
  2. Project 37: Pokedex with API calls

Each project will have a unique focus and aim to teach me something new.


Feel free to explore the projects in this repository. They are for personal learning and growth purposes only. If you find any interesting concepts or ideas, feel free to use them in your own projects.


I’m just improving my front-end development skills to achieve “full stack completion” Follow along with my progress and feel free to connect with me if you’re also undertaking this challenge or if you have any suggestions! Happy coding!