
Modern C++ Description

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Modern C++

Modern C++ Description (TBD)


The Four Polymorphisms in C++ - https://github.com/utilForever/ModernCpp/blob/master/Articles/The%20Four%20Polymorphisms%20in%20C%2B%2B.md


Moving to Modern C++

nullptr.cpp - Compare using "nullptr" in C++11 and using NULL in C++98

scopedEnum.cpp - Compare scoped enum in C++11 and unscoped enum in C++98/C++11


defaultKeyword.cpp - Describe "default" keyword by comparing the drawback of the rule of zero

deleteKeyword.cpp - Compare using "delete" keyword in C++11 and declaring special functions (i.e. copy constructor) with private access modifier in C++98

ruleOfFive.cpp - Compare the rule of five in C++11 and the rule of three in C++98

ruleOfZero.cpp - Describe the rule of zero in C++98

polymorphism.cpp - Describe polymorphism with shape example

operatorOverloading.cpp - Describe operator overloading with complex number example

RTTI-dynamic_cast.cpp - Describe dynamic_cast in RTTI and its example

RTTI-typeid.cpp - Describe typeid in RTTI and its example

Exception Handling

try-catch-throw1.cpp - Describe basic try-catch-throw syntax with divide-by-zero example

try-catch-thorw2.cpp - Descirbe multiple exceptions with file open example

stackUnwinding1.cpp - Describe basic stack unwinding with function call example

stackUnwinding2.cpp - Describe problem of stack unwinding and its solution (smart pointer, re-throw)


functionTemplate.cpp - Describe function template with max example

classTemplate.cpp - Describe class template with calc example


async.cpp - Describe std::async and its example (policies: launch::async, launch::deferred)

future.cpp - Describe std::future and its example

promise.cpp - Describe std::promise and its example

Slides (Korean)

1st Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-1s-study

2nd Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-2nd-study

3rd Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-3rd-study

4th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-4th-study

5th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-5th-study

6th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-6th-study

7th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-7th-study

8th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-8th-study

9th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-9th-study

10th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-10th-study

11th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-11th-study

12th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-12th-study

13th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-13th-study

14th Study - http://www.slideshare.net/utilforever/c-programming-14th-study


  1. From C To C++
  • (1st) printf, scanf -> std::cin, std::cout
  • (1st) bool type
  • (1st) auto
  • (2nd) Range-based for
  • (2nd) malloc, free -> new, delete
  • (2nd) NULL -> nullptr
  • (2nd) Casting 1: static_cast
  • (3rd) Scoped enum
  • (3rd) Binary literal, Separator
  • (3rd) std::string
  • (4th) Reference
  • (4th) Function overloading
  • (4th) Namespace
  • (TBD) decltype
  • (TBD) Casting 2: dynamic_cast, const_cast, reinterpret_cast
  • (TBD) typedef -> type alias
  • (TBD) Uniform initialization
  • (TBD) Initializer list
  • (TBD) Lambda expression
  • (TBD) Lvalue / Rvalue reference
  • (TBD) Move semantics
  • (TBD) Perfect forwarding
  • (TBD) Smart pointer: unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr
  1. OOP: Object-Oriented Programming
  • (5th) Class and Object
  • (5th) Access modifier: public, protected, private
  • (5th) Information hiding, Encapsulation
  • (6th) Constructor
  • (6th) Destructor
  • (6th) this pointer
  • (7th) Copy constructor
  • (7th) Copy assignment operator
  • (7th) Shallow copy, Deep copy
  • (7th) Rule of zero, Rule of three
  • (8th) Member variable: static / const / reference / const reference
  • (8th) Method: static / const / method overloading / default parameter / inline
  • (9th) Inheritance
  • (9th) Method Overriding
  • (9th) Something about superclasses
  • (9th) Up / Down casting
  • (10th) Polymorphism
  • (10th) Pure virtual method
  • (11th) Operator overloading
  • (12th) Multiple inheritance
  • (12th) vtable, RTTI
  • (TBD) Special functions 3: Move constructor, Move assignment operator
  • (TBD) Special functions 4: std::initializer_list constructor, Inheriting constructor
  • (TBD) Rule of five
  • (TBD) =default, =delete
  • (TBD) explicit keyword
  • (TBD) friend keyword
  • (TBD) mutable
  • (TBD) overriding keyword
  • (TBD) final keyword
  1. Exception Handling
  • (13th) Exception handling in C++
  • (13th) try ~ catch ~ throw / throw list (noexcept)
  • (13th) Standard exception classes
  • (13th) Stack unwinding
  • (TBD) Nested exception
  • (TBD) Function-try-block
  1. Generic Programming: Template
  • (14th) Generic programming in C++
  • (14th) Function template
  • (14th) Class template
  • (TBD) Template specialization
  • (TBD) Partial specialization
  • (TBD) Template inheritance vs template specialization
  • (TBD) Template aliases
  • (TBD) decltype + auto
  • (TBD) Function template
  • (TBD) Template recursion
  • (TBD) Variadic template
  • (TBD) Variable template
  • (TBD) Type inference
  • (TBD) Template metaprogramming
  • (TBD) Type traits
  • (TBD) constexpr
  1. Concurrency: Multithreading Programming
  • (TBD) Race condition, Deadlock
  • (TBD) Atomic task
  • (TBD) thread
  • (TBD) mutex, lock, call_once
  • (TBD) condition_variable
  • (TBD) async
  • (TBD) future, promise
  • (TBD) Thread pool
  1. STL: Standard Library
  • (15th) vector, deque, list, array
  • (16th) queue, priority_queue, stack
  • (17th) pair, tuple, map, multimap, set, multiset
  • (18th) algorithm
  • (TBD) function
  • (TBD) forward_list
  • (TBD) unordered_map, unordered_multimap, unordered_set, unordered_multiset
  • (TBD) bitset
  • (TBD) ratio
  • (TBD) chrono
  • (TBD) random
  • (TBD) regular expression