Laravel Benchmark

Build a simple User Auth with relationships to organizations of which have multiple Addresses. The following actions should be available once registered/logged in.

Utilize laravel/ui and php artisan ui vue —auth for bootstrapping auth.


  • Fork this repository and build off of it
  • Update User Account
    • Name
    • Email
    • Password
    • Select Organizations
    • One to Many Addresses
  • Organization CRUD: id, name, timestamps
    • Many to Many Users
    • One to Many Addresses
  • Addresses CRUD from within organization AND user edit views: id, street, city, state, zip, timestamps
    • Both Organization and User can have addresses, use polymorphism to connect address to either model
  • Bonus:
    • Use seeds/factories to populate the db with all models/relationships.
    • Use laravel's service container for dependency injection


  • Don’t spend more than 4-5 hours.
  • Only use plain bootstrap classes for simplicity.
  • Not too concerned with look/design.
    • Reference screen shots in this repo

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