Nativefier YouTube on TV for Desktop

This app allows you to use (the YouTube interface for smart tvs and digital video players like Roku) on a desktop computer. It sets the user agent to Roku to prevent YouTube from redirecting to the standard desktop website like it would in a normal browser. It can be navigated with the arrow, enter, and escape keys.


macOS Windows Linux
📦 64 Bit (Intel) 📦 64 Bit (Intel) 📦 64 Bit (Intel)
📦 32 Bit (Intel) 📦 32 Bit (Intel)
📦 64 Bit (Arm) 📦 64 Bit (Arm)

brew cask install

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How to build

Install Nativefier and run nativefier "" -u "Roku/DVP-9.10 (519.10E04111A)" -n "YouTube on TV" --electron-version $(npm show electron version).

