
An useful functions of editing a file without entering in to it with short, easy to remember naming.

Primary LanguageShell

What is qnote ?

Qnote is a small program that is living in bash shell, it helps to save files from your clipboard to specified flie in dir directory. Without opening a file you can:

-save your clipboard to predefined file -add a comment to same line -add a new line of a text -show your saved file. -edit


help - display this little help
show - show your saved notes 
c - adding comment 
clip - write clip to the file 
d 1 - delete one line
edit - open file with nano


qnote help - show help
qnote show - cat text from you saved $dir
qnote c "This is a comment" - add a comment to the file on the same line
qnote n "This is a comment on new line" - Create a comment on new line 
qnote clip - Save a clipboard to the file
qnote clip c "Comment" - this line will add a comment and paste a clipboard
qnote d 1 - delete last 1 line form a file 
qnote d 3 - delete last 3 lines from a file


You need to have installed xsel

on ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install xsel

on arch, manjaro:

sudo pacman -S xsel

in your .bashrc or bashrc_profile located in your home directory add this lines:

function qnote {
bash /full/path/to/qnote.sh $1 $2 $3

the path to the file where all clipboards will be stored is in variable dir. You can find variable dir on 9 line in the script.

Setup a dir to your note

In qnote.sh setup dir variable to your full path where you want to save your file with storred comments and clipboards.