Rails/React Project #1

June 09, 2021

Michael Jennings

Portfolio | LinkedIn | Project 2: Coming Soon

Welcome to my first Summer Sprint

Here I will be doing 2 things:

  1. Refamiliarizing myself with Ruby on Rails(RoR)
    1. Primarily using Rails Backend
  2. Integrating JS frontend-framework, React


I learned RoR back in 2018/2019 in a self-paced web development program. While more recently, I completed a Software Engineering Immersive program. In this program, I went picked up the MERN/PERN stack. Learning JS and the frontend framework, React, has been quite challenging and fun. However, as I came upon completing my cohort, and working within the PERN stack things started to click as far as seeing some similarities between that and my RoR project. More so the Postgres.

At that moment, I began to find different appreciation between the two languages. I knew I had to try them out together - Here we are.

I'll be using Rails for the backend and React on the frontend.

This is the tutorial that I followed along with Let's Build a CRUD app with Rails and React


My main goal here was to get reacquainted with Ruby on Rails, as well as integrating React for a 3-week sprint. Throughout this process, I documented the steps in a bullet journal to later revisit and build something from my documented notes alone. I plan to do a few more sprints throughout the summer (2021), to become a bit more acquainted with marrying the two languages.

Technologies Used

  • Rails
  • React (webpacker)
  • Styled Components
  • HMTL/CSS/JavaScript
  • JsonAPI Serializer
  • A bit of yarn
  • FontAwesome Icons


(deployment in progress)

The project was deployed on Heroku and Netlify and can be found here.


Future updates / Stretch Goals / Planned Improvements / Post MVP

  • Nav bar
  • User auth
  • User Client-side CRUD