
Example Holochain app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Example "Social Collaboration" Holochain application

This is a simple example Holochain app.

Getting started


This project is build on Holochain, which has a GitHub repo found here. To install Holochain, you will need a few things first:

  • NodeJS, Version 11.13.0 is what this repo was created with, although older versions should work up to 8.x.x
  • Rust, specifically nightly-2019-01-24 which you can install with the command rustup default nightly-2019-01-24
  • Rust WASM target. Using rustup you can install this with rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Downloading Holochain

Once you have these dependencies, you can install Holochain by going to the releases section of the repository and downloading version v0.0.16-alpha1. You are looking for the file that starts with cli-v0.0.16-alpha1-x86_64 (32-bit computers are not supported) and has your OS listed (apple-darwin for macOS, pc-windows-msvc for Windows, generic-linux-gnu for GNU/Linux computers). Do not download the file that starts with container, as that is an application intended for deployment, and not development.

After you've downloaded and extracted the files to a folder where they will be moved or deleted, you must add that folder to your path variable. If you are unaware, the path variable is a list of folders where the computer looks to find executable programs that you run from the command line.

Changing the path variable

It is important that the folder you add to the path contains the file named hc.

If you are running macOS or GNU/Linux, the instructions for changing your path variable are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the file with hc in the terminal (such that running ./hc will execute the program)

  2. Run the following command:

     echo "export PATH=\"`pwd`\":\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc

NOTE: Your directory name must NOT contain any " characters

If you are running Windows, you can find a website detailing how to change your path variable here

Downloading, compiling, and running the project


If you have git installed, you can simply run git clone https://github.com/MightyAlex200/hc-social-collaboration-example to download the latest version of the repository. If not, you can simply press the green Clone or download button on GitHub to download a zip that you will need to extact.


Before trying to compile the project, please ensure that you've installed all of the dependencies for Holochain, as well as Holochain itself.

Once you've downloaded the project, all you need to do is run hc test at the root of the project in a terminal window, which will compile the project (this make take some time), and run the automated tests.


If you have successfully compiled the project, you can run it by running hc run at the root of the project in a terminal window. It should say "Running websocket server on port 8888" in the terminal. You may now interact with the development conductor by json-rpc in websockets on port 8888 of localhost. An interactive UI is coming soon.


The socialcollaboration zome contains the following functions

  • add_skill
  • remove_skill
  • get_skills
  • get_my_skills
  • create_thread
  • get_thread_posts
  • get_threads
  • get_thread
  • get_relevant_threads
  • get_required_skills
  • create_post

Check zomes/socialcollaboration/code/src/lib.rs for more info