
React 4 - Afternoon

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Summary

In this project, we are going to create a customer management tool for a computer repair shop. We'll keep track of basic customer information, such as name/email/phone, current repair statuses, and also a log for notes. This tool will use axios to hit an API and asynchronously receive the data. The majority of the project has been built out already for you. The parts we'll need to finish include: the store, two reducers, two service files, and hooking up the service files into the components that use them.


  • fork and clone this repository.
  • cd into the project directory.
  • Run npm i.
  • Run npm start.
    • The app in its current state should intentionally not compile correctly.
  • In a new terminal:
    • cd into the project directory.
    • Run npm run api.
      • We will teach you about creating APIs later on in the course.
      • The API has been setup to be delayed by 1 second, so we can work with asynchronous data on the front end.

You should now have two processes running in two separate terminals. If you want to commit changes as you develop, use a third terminal.

Step 1


We'll begin by creating a service called customers.js. This service will hold all the HTTP requests we make to our server for customer information.


  • Run npm install --save axios.
  • Create a file called customers.js in your src folder.
    • Import axios from 'axios' and apiURL from scr/api.js.
    • We've created an api.js file in src/. This is a good method to follow as it allows you to fix the API url for the service files that use it. This beats having to update the URL one by one in each function in each service file.


import axios from 'axios';
import apiURL from './api';

Step 2


In this step, we will create an HTTP call in our service using a package called axios.

This call will be a GET request to get the entire customer list.


  • Open src/customers.js.
  • Create and export a function called getCustomerList:
    • This function shouldn't use any parameters.
    • This function should create an http call using axios:
      • The axios call should be a GET.
      • The url should be apiURL.
      • The callback should return the data property of the response.
Detailed Instructions/Solution

Let's open src/customers.js. To create our promises we'll be using a package called axios.

Let's create a function that will get the customerList from the API. Inside this function we'll use axios to create an http request. When using axios, you chain on a method of the API method you want. The primary methods used are GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, PATCH, and a couple others. You then invoke this method and pass in the URL as the first parameter. The second parameter can be an object that will equal the request's body. Here are a couple examples:

axios.get( 'http://localhost:3000/somePath' );
axios.post( 'http://localhost:3000/somePath', { str: 'This is the request body' } );

This will return a promise to which you can then chain a .then() that accepts a callback function as the first parameter. The most common first parameter you'll see in the callback function is response. This is the response from the API. Here are some examples:

axios.get( 'http://localhost:3000/somePath' ).then( response => response.data );
axios.post( 'http://localhost:3000/somePath', { str: 'This is the request body' } ).then( response => response.data );

To get the customerList, we'll want to make an axios call that uses the get method. In the callback, we'll want to return the data property from the response. If we use a fat arrow function and keep it on the same line, we don't need to put return, because it will return response.data automatically.

import axios from 'axios';
import apiURL from '../api';

export function getCustomerList() {
  return axios.get( apiURL ).then( response => response.data );

Step 3


In this step, we'll go into our App component and have it fetch the customer list from the API.


  • Open src/components/App.js.
  • Import the getCustomerList function from src/customers.js using destructuring.
  • Create a componentDidMount life-cycle method:
    • This method should call the getCustomerList function.
    • Chain a .then function to the end of the invokation of getCustomerList. Inside this, create an anonymous function which takes in the customerList as a parameter.
    • Inside the anonymous function, invoke setState to set the customerList property on state to the response from our service.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

import Header from './Header/Header';
import List from './List/List';
import Workspace from './Workspace/Workspace';

import { getCustomerList } from '../customers';

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      customerList: undefined,
      initialLoad: true,
      creating: false,
      currentCustomer: null


  componentDidMount() {
    getCustomerList().then(list => {
      this.setState({customerList: list});

  render() {
    return (
        <Header />
        <div className="App__container">
            this.state.customerList ?
              customerList={this.state.customerList || []}
            : null
          <Workspace initialLoad={this.state.initialLoad}

export default App;

Step 4


In this step, we'll create an HTTP request using axios to create (POST) a customer to the 'database.'


  • Open src/customers.js.
  • Create a function named postCustomer:
    • postCustomer should take in an object (this will be the information for the new user).
    • This function should use the axios.post() method.
      • The first parameter will be the URL, which is stored in our apiURL variable.
      • The second parameter should be the object that we take in through the parameters for postCustomer.
      • After the function, chain on a .then function. Inside the .then, put a callback function that will take in the response from the API.
      • Inside the callback function, return the response.


import axios from 'axios';
import apiURL from './api';

export const getCustomerList = function() {
  return axios.get(apiURL).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const postCustomer = function(customer) {
  return axios.post(apiURL, customer).then(response => {
    return response.data;

Step 5


In this step, we'll configure our List component to show the form to create a new customer.


  • First, we need the button in the List component to open the form.
    • Open src/components/App.js.
    • Create a function called startNewCustomer on the App component. Make sure to bind its context to the App component in the constructor function.
      • startNewCustomer should invoke the setState function. The new state should have creating equal true, initialLoad equal false, and currentCustomer equal null.
    • Now pass startNewCustomer down to the List component through props.
      • Add startNewCustomer to the list of props we are destructuring at the top of the render function. Destructuring is a syntax provided by ES6 Javascript. This way, we can do
      var {
      } = this.props
      and it will mean the same thing as
      var selectCustomer = this.props.selectCustomer;
      var startNewCustomer = this.props.startNewCustomer;
      • Now, pass startNewCustomer in props down to the CreateCustomer component.
      • In CreateCustomer, find the onClick, and insert the startNewCustomer function from props.


src/components/App.js (not entire file)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

import Header from './Header/Header';
import List from './List/List';
import Workspace from './Workspace/Workspace';

import { getCustomerList } from '../customers';

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      customerList: [],
      initialLoad: true,
      creating: false,
      currentCustomer: null

    this.startNewCustomer = this.startNewCustomer.bind(this);
//skipping lines...
startNewCustomer() {
      creating: true,
      initialLoad: false,
      currentCustomer: null
//skipping lines...
  customerList={this.state.customerList || []}
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './List.css';

import Customer from './Customer/Customer';
import CreateCustomer from './CreateCustomer/CreateCustomer';

class List extends Component {

  render() {
    const {
    } = this.props;

    const CustomerComponents = customerList.map( customer => (
        key={ customer.id }
        id={ customer.id }
        first={ customer.first }
        last={ customer.last }

    return (
      <div id="List__container">
            <div id="List__namesContainer">
              { CustomerComponents }
              <CreateCustomer startNewCustomer={startNewCustomer}/>

export default List;
import React from 'react';
import './CreateCustomer.css';

export default function CreateCustomer({startNewCustomer}) {
  return (
    <div id="CreateCustomerBtn__container">
      <button id="CreateCustomer__btn" onClick={startNewCustomer}> New Customer </button>

Step 6


In this step, we'll finish our CreateCustomer component so it can successfully create a customer.


  • Let's go back to src/components/App.js.
    • Import the postCustomer function from src/customers.js.
    • Create a function called createCustomer on the App component. Make sure to bind it to the App component's context in the constructor function.
      • createCustomer should take in a customer object, and should invoke postCustomer with that object.
      • In the .then callback function for createCustomer, invoke getCustomerList. In the getCustomerList .then callback, we will call setState to make customerList equal the updated customerList we just received, and to set initialLoad to true.
  • Then we'll need to pass the createCustomer function down to the component that needs it. Pass createCustomer down to the Workspace component.
    • Open src/components/Workspace/Workspace.js.
    • Add createCustomer to the props being desctructured.
    • Pass createCustomer through props down to the CreateCustomer component.
    • Modify the create method so it invokes createCustomer after creating the customer object.
    • Make sure to pass in the customer object as a parameter.


src/components/App.js (not entire file)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

import Header from './Header/Header';
import List from './List/List';
import Workspace from './Workspace/Workspace';

import { getCustomerList, postCustomer } from '../customers';

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      customerList: [],
      initialLoad: true,
      creating: false,
      currentCustomer: null

    this.startNewCustomer = this.startNewCustomer.bind(this);
    this.postCustomer = this.createCustomer.bind(this);
//skipping lines...
postCustomer(customer) {
  createCustomer(customer).then(response => {
    getCustomerList().then(list => {
        creating: false,
        customerList: list
//skipping lines...
<Workspace initialLoad={this.state.initialLoad}
import React from "react";
import './Workspace.css';

import Customer from './Customer/Customer';
import CreateCustomer from './CreateCustomer/CreateCustomer';

function Workspace( { initialLoad, creating, currentCustomer, createCustomer } ) {

  return (
    <div id="Workspace__container">
          <CreateCustomer createCustomer={createCustomer}/>
              <p> Please select a customer from the left. </p>
              <Customer id={currentCustomer.id}
                : null

export default Workspace;
src/components/Workspace/CreateCustomer/CreateCustomer.js (just the create method)
create() {
  const { first, last, email, phone } = this.state;
  var customer = {
    status: 'New Customer',
    log: ''

  this.props.createCustomer( customer );

Step 7


In this step, we'll update the customer list to become a navigation list that will update the workspace on the right.


  • Open src/customers.js.
    • Create a getCustomer function.
      • This function should have an id parameter.
      • This function should make an axios get call to apiURL + id, using the id from the parameters.
        • The .then callback should return the data property of the response from the API.
  • Open src/components/App.js
    • We will import getCustomer from the service.
    • Create a selectCustomer method on the App component:
      • This function should take in an id and invoke the getCustomer function we imported with that id.
        • In the .then callback, we will set state to make the currentCustomer to the response from the api and to make initialLoad false.
        • Make sure to bind the context of selectCustomer to the App component in the constructor
    • Pass selectCustomer down to the List component through props:
      • In src/components/List/List.js, add selectCustomer to the list of props we are destructuring at the top of the render function.
      • Pass selectCustomer through props to the Customer component.
  • Open src/components/List/Customer/Customer.js.
    • Add selectCustomer to the props we're destructuring at the top.
    • Write an anonymous arrow function that invokes selectCustomer with the customer id (already destructured from props for you!).


import axios from 'axios';
import apiURL from './api';

export const getCustomerList = function() {
  return axios.get(apiURL).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const getCustomer = function(id) {
  return axios.get(apiURL+id).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const postCustomer = function(customer) {
  return axios.post(apiURL, customer).then(response => {
    return response.data;
src/components/App.js (not entire file)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

import Header from './Header/Header';
import List from './List/List';
import Workspace from './Workspace/Workspace';

import { getCustomerList, postCustomer, getCustomer } from '../customers';

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      customerList: [],
      initialLoad: true,
      creating: false,
      currentCustomer: null

    this.startNewCustomer = this.startNewCustomer.bind(this);
    this.createCustomer = this.createCustomer.bind(this);
    this.selectCustomer = this.selectCustomer.bind(this);
//skipping lines...
selectCustomer(id) {
  getCustomer(id).then(response=> {
        currentCustomer: response,
        initialLoad: false
//skipping lines...
  customerList={this.state.customerList || []}
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './List.css';

import Customer from './Customer/Customer';
import CreateCustomer from './CreateCustomer/CreateCustomer';

class List extends Component {

  render() {
    const {
    } = this.props;

    const CustomerComponents = customerList.map( customer => (
        key={ customer.id }
        id={ customer.id }
        first={ customer.first }
        last={ customer.last }

    return (
      <div id="List__container">
            <div id="List__namesContainer">
              { CustomerComponents }
              <CreateCustomer startNewCustomer={startNewCustomer}/>

export default List;
import React from 'react';
import './Customer.css';

export default function Customer( { id, first, last, selectCustomer } ) {
  return (
    <div className="Customer__listName" onClick={()=>selectCustomer(id)}>
      <span>{ first } { last }</span>

Step 8


In this step, we'll add the ability to update our customers' information.


  • Open our customers service: src/customers.js.
    • Add and export a function called updateCustomer. This function will take in an id and an object. The object will have the property we want to update and its new value.
      • This function should make a patch request to apiURL+id with the object as the second parameter. In the .then callback function, we will return the data property of the response. This will be the updated customer.
  • In App.js, we'll create a method on the component called saveEdit. This method will take in an id and an object, and will call updateCustomer with that data.
    • Inside the .then callback, invoke the getCustomerList function, with which we will then set state with the new customer list and the updated customer.
    • We will then pass the function down to the components that need it.
Detailed Instructions

Now we need a way to update a customer. Let's begin by opening src/customers.js to create our HTTP call. We'll create and export a function called updateCustomer. It will take in two parameters: an id and an object. This will have the key value pairs of the things we want to change and their new values. In updateCustomer, we'll make an axios patch request. PATCH is an http verb that is used to say that we only want to change part of something. Here, we only want to change part of the customer information, so PATCH will work for us.

Go into src/components/App.js and import the updateCustomer function. Create a method on the App component called saveEdit. This method will take in an id and an object, then invoke updateCustomer with those parameters passed in. In the .then callback function, we'll invoke getCustomerList so we can update our list component. We'll then setState in the .then of getCustomerList, setting the value of customerList to the list we received, and currentCustomer to the updated customer we received from the API when calling updateCustomer. Finally, we'll pass saveEdit down to our Workspace component as a prop.

In src/Workspace/Workspace.js, we need to add saveEdit to the props we are destructuring and pass it down to the Customer component through props. In src/Workspace/Customer/Customer.js, we'll do the same - destructure saveEdit from props and pass it down as a prop to Information, Status, and RepairLog.

In the Information, Status, and RepairLog components, we need to destructure saveEdit and pass down to the ToggleEdit component.

In src/components/Workspace/Customer/ToggleEdit/ToggleEdit.js, find the save method. Have this method invoke the saveEdit function from props, passing in the id from props and an object with the property from props and the value from state:

{[this.props.property]: this.state.val}


import axios from 'axios';
import apiURL from './api';

export const getCustomerList = function() {
  return axios.get(apiURL).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const getCustomer = function(id) {
  return axios.get(apiURL+id).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const postCustomer = function(customer) {
  return axios.post(apiURL, customer).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const updateCustomer = function(id, obj) {
  return axios.patch(apiURL + id, obj).then(response => {
    return response.data;
src/App.js (not full file)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

import Header from './Header/Header';
import List from './List/List';
import Workspace from './Workspace/Workspace';

import { getCustomerList, postCustomer, getCustomer, updateCustomer } from '../customers';

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      customerList: [],
      initialLoad: true,
      creating: false,
      currentCustomer: null

    this.startNewCustomer = this.startNewCustomer.bind(this);
    this.createCustomer = this.createCustomer.bind(this);
    this.selectCustomer = this.selectCustomer.bind(this);
    this.saveEdit = this.saveEdit.bind(this);

//skipping lines...

saveEdit(id, obj) {
  updateCustomer(id, obj).then(updatedCustomer => {
    getCustomerList().then(list=> {
        customerList: list,
        currentCustomer: updatedCustomer

//skipping lines...

<Workspace initialLoad={this.state.initialLoad}
import React from "react";
import './Workspace.css';

import Customer from './Customer/Customer';
import CreateCustomer from './CreateCustomer/CreateCustomer';

function Workspace( { initialLoad, creating, createCustomer, currentCustomer, saveEdit} ) {

  return (
    <div id="Workspace__container">
          <CreateCustomer createCustomer={createCustomer}/>
              <p> Please select a customer from the left. </p>
              <Customer id={currentCustomer.id}
              : null

export default Workspace;
import React from "react";
import './Customer.css';

import Information from './Information/Information';
import Status from './Status/Status';
import RepairLog from './RepairLog/RepairLog';
import RemoveCustomer from './RemoveCustomer/RemoveCustomer';

function Customer({ id, first, last, email, phone, status, log, saveEdit }) {

    return (
      <div id="Customer__container">
        <Information id={ id } first={ first } last={ last } email={ email } phone={ phone } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
        <Status id={ id } status={ status } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
        <RepairLog id={ id } log={ log } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
        <RemoveCustomer id={ id } />

export default Customer;
Information, Status, and RepairLog components
import React from 'react';
import ToggleEdit from '../ToggleEdit/ToggleEdit';
import './Information.css';

export default function Information( { id, first, last, email, phone, saveEdit }) {
  return (

    <div id="CustomerInformation__container">
      <p id="CustomerInformation__fullName"> { first } { last } </p>
      <p id="CustomerInformation__id"> ID: { id } </p>
      <ToggleEdit id={ id } description="First Name" property="first" val={ first } readOnlyVal={ first } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
      <ToggleEdit id={ id } description="Last Name" property="last" val={ last } readOnlyVal={ last } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
      <ToggleEdit id={ id } description="Email" property="email" val={ email } readOnlyVal={ email } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
      <ToggleEdit id={ id } description="Phone" property="phone" val={ phone } readOnlyVal={ phone } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>

import React from 'react';
import ToggleEdit from '../ToggleEdit/ToggleEdit';
import './Status.css';

export default function Status( { id, status, saveEdit } ) {
  return (
    <div id="CustomerStatus__container">
      <h5> Customer Status </h5>
      <ToggleEdit id={ id } description="Customer Status" property="status" val={ status } readOnlyVal={ status } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>

import React from "react";
import ToggleEdit from '../ToggleEdit/ToggleEdit';
import './RepairLog.css';

export default function RepairLog({ id, log, saveEdit }) {
    return (
      <div id="CustomerRepairLog__container">
        <h5> Repair Log </h5>
        <ToggleEdit multi id={ id } property="log" val={ log } readOnlyVal={ log } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './ToggleEdit.css';

export default class ToggleEdit extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      val: this.props.val,
      editing: false

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind( this );
    this.toggle = this.toggle.bind( this );
    this.save = this.save.bind( this );

  componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    if (nextProps.val !== this.state.val) {
        val: nextProps.val

  handleChange(event) {
    this.setState({ val: event.target.value });

  toggle() {
    this.setState({ editing: !this.state.editing, val: this.props.readOnlyVal })

  save() {
    this.props.saveEdit(this.props.id, {[this.props.property]: this.state.val});
      editing: false

  render() {
    var { description, multi } = this.props;
    var { editing, val } = this.state;

    return (
      <div className="CustomerToggleEdit__container">
            <textarea className="CustomerToggleEdit__textarea" disabled={ !editing } value={ val } onChange={ this.handleChange } />
            <input className="CustomerToggleEdit__input" disabled={ !editing } placeholder={ description } value={ val } onChange={ this.handleChange } />
              <button className="CustomerToggleEdit__editBtn" onClick={ this.toggle } style={ { position: 'relative', top: '-20px' } }> X </button>
              <button className="CustomerToggleEdit__editBtn" onClick={ this.toggle }> X </button>
              <button className="CustomerToggleEdit__editBtn" onClick={ this.toggle } style={ { position: 'relative', top: '-20px' } }>Edit</button>
              <button className="CustomerToggleEdit__editBtn" onClick={ this.toggle }>Edit</button>
              <button className="CustomerToggleEdit__saveBtn" onClick={ this.save } style={ { position: 'relative', top: '-20px' } }>Save</button>
              <button className="CustomerToggleEdit__saveBtn" onClick={ this.save }>Save</button>

Step 9


In this step, we'll create a function deleteCustomer in our customers service that will take in an id and send a delete request to the API at apiURL+id. Then we'll import that function in App.js and create a function called removeCustomer. removeCustomer will take in an id and invoke deleteCustomer with that id, before refreshing the customer list and resetting state. We'll then pass removeCustomer down through props to the RemoveCustomer component that needs it.


  • Open our customers service: src/customers.js.

    • Create and export a function called deleteCustomer. This function should take in an id, so we can tell the API which customer to delete.
    • Inside the function, call the delete method from axios.
      • We will send our request to apiURL+id.
      • In the .then callback function, you can return the response.
  • Now we need to pass the function down to the RemoveCustomer component who needs it. Open src/components/App.js.

    • Import deleteCustomer from our customers service.
    • Create a function on the App component named removeCustomer. This function should take in an id, then call deleteCustomer, passing in that id. This will tell the API which customer to delete.
      • Bind the context of function removeCustomer to the App component.
    • Pass removeCustomer as a prop down to the Customer component.
  • Open src/components/Workspace/Workspace.js.

    • Add removeCustomer to the list of props we are destructuring in the Customer function parameters.
    • Pass removeCustomer as a prop down to the Customer component.
  • Open src/components/Workspace/Customer/Customer.js.

    • Do the same with removeCustomer as we did in Workspace. Destructure the variable in the parameters, then pass it down as props to RemoveCustomer.
  • Open src/components/Workspace/Customer/RemoveCustomer/RemoveCustomer.js.

    • Create a function on the component called removeCustomer.
    • This function should invoke the deleteCustomer function that we just passed down through props.
      • Make sure to pass in the customer id from props as well.
      • Be sure that the function's context is bound to the RemoveCustomer component.
    • pass the component function removeCustomer (this.removeCustomer) into the onClick property on the confirm button.
  • The deleteCustomer function should now be available everywhere we need it - try removing customers to make sure it's working.


import axios from 'axios';
import apiURL from './api';

export const getCustomerList = function() {
  return axios.get(apiURL).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const getCustomer = function(id) {
  return axios.get(apiURL+id).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const postCustomer = function(customer) {
  return axios.post(apiURL, customer).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const updateCustomer = function(id, obj) {
  return axios.patch(apiURL + id, obj).then(response => {
    return response.data;

export const deleteCustomer = function(id) {
  return axios.delete(apiURL + id).then(response => {
    return response.data;
src/components/App.js (not entire file)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

import Header from './Header/Header';
import List from './List/List';
import Workspace from './Workspace/Workspace';

import { getCustomerList, postCustomer, getCustomer, updateCustomer, deleteCustomer } from '../customers';

class App extends Component {
  //skipping lines...
  removeCustomer(id) {
    deleteCustomer(id).then(deletedCustomer =>{
      getCustomerList().then(list =>{
          customerList: list,
          currentCustomer: null,
          initialLoad: true
  //skipping lines...

  <Workspace initialLoad={this.state.initialLoad}
import React from "react";
import './Workspace.css';

import Customer from './Customer/Customer';
import CreateCustomer from './CreateCustomer/CreateCustomer';

function Workspace( { initialLoad, creating, createCustomer, currentCustomer, saveEdit, removeCustomer} ) {

  return (
    <div id="Workspace__container">
          <CreateCustomer createCustomer={createCustomer}/>
              <p> Please select a customer from the left. </p>
              <Customer id={currentCustomer.id}
                : null

export default Workspace;
import React from "react";
import './Customer.css';

import Information from './Information/Information';
import Status from './Status/Status';
import RepairLog from './RepairLog/RepairLog';
import RemoveCustomer from './RemoveCustomer/RemoveCustomer';

function Customer({ id, first, last, email, phone, status, log, saveEdit, removeCustomer }) {

    return (
      <div id="Customer__container">
        <Information id={ id } first={ first } last={ last } email={ email } phone={ phone } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
        <Status id={ id } status={ status } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
        <RepairLog id={ id } log={ log } saveEdit={saveEdit}/>
        <RemoveCustomer id={ id } removeCustomer={removeCustomer}/>

export default Customer;
import React, { Component } from "react";
import './RemoveCustomer.css';

export default class RemoveCustomer extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      showConfirm: false

    this.toggle = this.toggle.bind( this );
    this.remove = this.remove.bind( this );

  toggle() {
    this.setState({ showConfirm: !this.state.showConfirm });

  remove() {

  render() {
    return (
      <div id="RemoveCustomer__container">
        <button className="RemoveCustomer__removeBtn" onClick={ this.toggle } disabled={ this.state.showConfirm }> Remove </button>
            <div id="RemoveCustomer__confirmationContainer">
              <button id="RemoveCustomer__cancelBtn" onClick={ this.toggle }> Cancel </button>
              <button className="RemoveCustomer__removeBtn" onClick={ this.remove }> Confirm </button>


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