Software Engineering Student; 24 Years Old; React Native enthusiast;
University of BrasiliaBrasília, Brazil.
Pinned Repositories
Aplicação mobile para auxiliar conselheiros na fiscalização da merenda escolar das escolas de sua região, desde planejar uma visita até a consolidação dos dados.
Projeto de desenvolvimento de um ChatBot informativo e conversacional, disponibilizado no mensageiro Telegram, que tem como objetivo aumentar a circulação de informações sobre: Vacinação, Prevenção e Políticas Públicas a respeito da COVID-19.
In this repository, I will try to practice NodeJS concepts; Alongside with Rocketseat's GoStack Bootcamp challenges, others usefull implementations may come alive; The main goal is to practice what I've learned and to keep evolving;
Repository created to exercise the concepts learned on RocketSeat's GoStack Bootcamp and solve it's challenge.
This repository was created to exercise the learnings from GoStack bootcamp and to solve the Nvl 1 React Native Challenge.
Repository made to mantain my solutions for the EspartaChallenge
Projeto visando o aprendizado de AngularJS. Desenvolvimento de uma "lista telefônica".
Repositorio criado para a materia de desenvolvimento frontend
React Native project consuming Pokemon API and creating an Hibrid App
A platform that connects teachers and students. It helps students and teachers to get in touch, combine online classes according to their needs and schedules and share knowledge and experience. It is developed in React, React Native and NodeJS. This project was developed alongside Rocketseat as a part of their teaching method in Next Level Week 2.
Miguel-Alves's Repositories
This repository was created to exercise the learnings from GoStack bootcamp and to solve the Nvl 1 React Native Challenge.
Projeto de desenvolvimento de um ChatBot informativo e conversacional, disponibilizado no mensageiro Telegram, que tem como objetivo aumentar a circulação de informações sobre: Vacinação, Prevenção e Políticas Públicas a respeito da COVID-19.
In this repository, I will try to practice NodeJS concepts; Alongside with Rocketseat's GoStack Bootcamp challenges, others usefull implementations may come alive; The main goal is to practice what I've learned and to keep evolving;
Repository created to exercise the concepts learned on RocketSeat's GoStack Bootcamp and solve it's challenge.
Repository made to mantain my solutions for the EspartaChallenge
Projeto visando o aprendizado de AngularJS. Desenvolvimento de uma "lista telefônica".
Repositorio criado para a materia de desenvolvimento frontend
React Native project consuming Pokemon API and creating an Hibrid App
A platform that connects teachers and students. It helps students and teachers to get in touch, combine online classes according to their needs and schedules and share knowledge and experience. It is developed in React, React Native and NodeJS. This project was developed alongside Rocketseat as a part of their teaching method in Next Level Week 2.
This repository was created to develop an app that consumes an API with geographical locations and some informations about services like TV, Broadband, landline and aditional. As it is simple, this project was created with Expo managed workflow and used contextAPI to handle state. It could be done using redux and react-native or Expo bare worflow. But I choosed the other stack for simplicity. I also created a desgin for future implementation. This was a good challenge to exercise React Native knowledges and has a lot to grow!
Repositório criado para guardar as resoluções das questões proposta pelo time da Esparta.
Projeto de estudos realizado junto à Rocketseat (https://rocketseat.com.br/). Consiste no desenvolvimento de um ambiente web e mobile para conectar desenvolvedores
Enunciado e código fonte do Trabalho Individual de GCES 2020/2