
Repository for the Final Project of the MIRI

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Download Enron data

wget https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~enron/enron_mail_20150507.tar.gz

Project structure configuration

Execute projec-structure.sh to create or ensure that the project has the correct structure.


The extract.sh file downloads enron emails and extracts them into their respective environment. If files are already existing, it does nothing. This is to prevent unnecessary downloading since the files are heavy.


Ignoring directories

According to Klimt & Yang (2004), there are two folders that are not necessary:

  • discussion_threads: Do not appear to be used directly by the users, but rather computer generated.
  • all_documents: Contanied large number of duplicate emails, which where already present the rest of the folders (TODO: Check if there is time).


Consult Notebook Preprocessing.ipynb in the notebooks folder.

Doc2vec and TF-IDF transformations

Consult Notebooks Doc2Vec.ipynb and TF-IDF.ipynb in the notebooks folder.

Distance Matrices Calculation

Consult scripts distance_matrices*.py for the obtention of euclidean, cosine and WMD distance matrices for both doc2vec and TF-IDF vectors.


Consult scripts test_clustering*.py for performing of methods KMeans, DBSCAN and HDBSCAN, and their respective scores:

  • Silhouette Coefficients
  • Calinski-Harabasz
  • David-Bouldin
  • Entropy

There is also the notebook cuMLHDBSCAN.ipynb where it can be seen a draft of the logic behind the scripts.


There are a couple of notebooks that are still in works:

  • Results.ipynb
  • LabeledEmails.ipynb


The rest of the notebooks and scripts are left for legacy purposes. Will be removed for the final delivery.