My i3 config
This is my configuration for i3wm, a tiling window manager.
Fonts used:
- Font-Awesome
- Righteous (google fonts)
- Geosans
- GeosansLight
- i3-gaps, i3lock, i3blocks
- scrot, rofi, feh
- pulseaudio
- xbacklight
- conky
- compton
- unclutter
- playerctl
- redshift
- dunst
- gawk
- indicator-stickynotes
Multiple windows open
Dunst Notification example
Spotify is off and caps lock is on
Using rofi to launch a program
In order to prevent power key from shutting down the system,
I edited the file /etc/systemd/logind.conf
uncommented #HandlePowerKey=poweroff line and changed it to