Bash/Python script to read what recordings are scheduled in Plex DVR, search for them in Ombi and add the first request. As it just searches and takes the first result it may sometimes be incorrect.
Download both scripts to a directory, ensure requirements are installed, fill out all variables and you're good to go.
- plex & ombi (Sonarr & Radarr too if you want them downloaded but not technically required.)
- jq installed (sudo apt-get install jq)
- python version 2.7 installed (sudo apt-get install python)
- python modules "requests, xmltodict & json" (These may be part of default python install, unsure.)
- scriptDir - Directory that scripts reside.
- plexUrl - Set domain or IP to your plex instance including port. If using reverse proxy, do not use a trailing slash. Ensure you specify http/s.
- plexToken - plex api key
- scriptDir - Directory that scripts reside.
- ombiUrl - Set domain or IP to your ombi instance including port. If using reverse proxy, do not use a trailing slash. Ensure you specify http/s.
- ombiApiKey - ombi api key
- ombiUser - Set the ombi username that should show as requesting the movie/show. Does not need to be a valid Ombi username.