Will search radarr for items that are missing, with normal verbose level, doing 2 searches of 10 entries before quitting. wantarr missing radarr -v -m 20
Will search lidarr for items that haven't reached cutoff, with normal verbose level, doing 2 searches of 5 entries before quitting. wantarr cutoff radarr4k -v -s 5
Will search sonarr for items that are missing, with extra verbose level, doing infinite number of searches of 10 entries at a time. wantarr missing sonarr -vv
Available Commands:
cutoff Search for cutoff unmet media files
missing Search for missing media files
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for specific command
-m, --max-search int Exit when this many items have been searched.
-q, --queue-size int Exit when queue size reached.
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh the locally stored cache.
-s, --search-size int How many items to search at once. (default 10)
Global Flags:
-c, --config string Config file (default "config.yaml")
--config-dir string Config folder (default is same location as executable)
-d, --database string Database file (default "vault.db")
-l, --log string Log file (default "activity.log")
-v, --verbose count Verbose level