Take a look at my new awesome UIKitPlus lib which will give you an ability to build this kind of control in a minute.
multiple selection segmented control rewritten from yonat Obj-C lib
A subclass of UISegmentedControl that supports selection multiple segments.
No need for images - works with the builtin styles of UISegmentedControl.
Simply Copy and Paste MultiSelectSegmentedControl.swift
file in your Xcode Project :)
Drag a UISegmentedControl
into your view in Interface Builder.
Set its class to MultiSelectSegmentedControl
Set an outlet for it, perhaps calling it something creative such as myMultiSeg
Set the selected segments:
//to select 1 and 2 segments
myMultiSeg.selectedSegmentIndexes = IndexSet(integersIn: 1...2)
//to select 4 segment in addition to 1 and 2
//to select just 2 segment
myMultiSeg.selectedSegmentIndexes = IndexSet(integer: 2)
Get the selected segment indices:
let selectedIndices: IndexSet = myMultiSeg.selectedSegmentIndexes
Get the selected segment titles:
print("These items are selected: \(myMultiSeg.selectedSegmentTitles)")
If you want to be notified of changes to the control's value, make sure your ViewController conforms to the delegate protocol
class YourAwesomeViewController: UIViewController, MultiSelectSegmentedControlDelegate {
...and set the delegate, perhaps in your viewDidLoad
myMultiSeg.delegate = self
You are notified of changes through the following method:
func multiSelect(multiSelectSegmendedControl: MultiSelectSegmentedControl, didChangeValue value: Bool, atIndex index: Int) {
print("multiSelect delegate selected: \(value) atIndex: \(index)")