Function Estimation using Genetic Programming

Implemented an evolutionary algorithm that randomly generates function trees in order to compute complex functions and fit datasets.

Population configuration

  • Consisting of a predefined number of chromosomes, randomly generated.
  • At each epoch, two parent chromosomes are random selected from the fittest half and after a cross-over operation an offspring is generated. After a mutation over the generated chromosome it replaces the least fit chromosome from the population.

Chromosome configuration

  • The genotype of each chromosome is represented by a function tree, each node containing one child for unary operators and two children for binary operators and each leaf containing either a constant value, either a variable.
  • The fitness of each chromosome is represented by the mean squared error between it's predictions over the dataset and the real values.
  • For example, a tree representing f(x)= sin (2+x) *3 will look like this:

Demo on two sample functions, f(x) = n^3 and f(x) = sin(x) * (x)/2

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