
Create an application to display the following information about a company:

  • Company name
  • Stock ticker code
  • Stock price
  • The two most recent stories
  • The sentiment analysis of each story


Mac OS X

  1. You will need a few things installed:
  1. Download/copy/clone the repo.

  2. In the terminal, change directory into 'tech_test':

cd tech_test
bundle install

Running the tests

Rspec (unit tests)

  • run rspec.

Cucumber (feature tests)

  • run cucumber.

Booting up the application

  • run rackup.
  • click here.

Technologies used



  • clean, maintainable code.
  • MVC design.
  • followed SOLID software design principles.
  • short and readable methods.
  • skinny controllers.
  • no logic in the views.
  • stubbed all api requests.

Things that can be improved

  • the UI, definitely.

Personal notes

  • this is a fun technical test.
  • it had many small problems to fix, which kept my interest going.
  • this is the most fun technical test that I've ever done.