
Notify on pulse messages

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status Pulse-Notifier is used to take various actions based on the completion status of Taskcluster tasks, primarily notifications for failures and other important events. The program depends on the Taskcluster and Pulse tools at Mozilla.

Technical Features

  • Asynchronous Python 3.5
  • Asynchronous AMQP consumer for Pulse messages
  • Pluggable functionality/dependency injection.


Pulse-Notifier is an asynchronous event loop with an AMQP consumer listening for Taskcluster events on Mozilla Pulse. The consumer receives a message about the status of the task and parses the task definition for notification information. Based on the notification information, the consumer passes the necessary information to various channels of communication/action, called 'plugins'.

Task Definition

To receive a notification from a task, the task definition must include an 'extra' section, with a 'notification' subsection. Within the notification section, each unique task status has it's notification configuration defined. Possible task statuses are:

  • task-defined
  • task-pending
  • task-running
  • artifact-created
  • task-completed
  • task-failed
  • task-exception

Under each task status, the following fields can be defined:

  • plugins: notification routes for this task status
  • subject: notification subject
  • message: notification message
  • emails: emails to be notified (for ses and smtp plugins only)
  • nicks: IRC nicknames to notify (for irc plugin only)
  • channels: IRC channels to send a notification to (for irc plugin only)
  • ids: notify a 'name' based on a configuration in the service

The fields subject and message are not required, a simple fallback message is enabled. Emails and nicks are also not necessary, the service will still try to notify regardless. Below is an example task definition:

"extra": {
    "notifications": {
      "task-defined": {
        "message": "This task has been defined within TaskCluster",
        "subject": "task-defined notification",
        "plugins": [
        "emails": [
      "task-failed": {
        "message": "The task failed! Uh-oh...",
        "plugins": [
        "nicks": [
        "emails": [
        "ids": [


To provide simpler defaults for notifications, 'ids' can be configured within the service. These ids provide default settings for the section in which they are specified. The service loads the ids from a YAML file on startup. If a valid id is present in a notification section (ie task-completed), the application will overwrite the section with the defaults specified in the service. For example if the definition for two ids is,

        - irc
        - ses
        - "#chan1"
        - example@mozilla.com
        - log_collect

and the task definition above comes through the application on the "task-failed" exchange, the application will notify twice based on these configurations:

"task-failed": {
    "message": "The task failed! Uh-oh...",
    "plugins": [
    "nicks": [
    "emails": [
    "channels": [
    "ids": [


"task-failed": {
    "message": "The task failed! Uh-oh...",
    "plugins": [
    "nicks": [
    "emails": [
    "channels": [
    "ids": [


API/Creating Plugins

Pulse-Notifier can be extended to add new functionality by adding a plugin. To create a plugin, create a class named Plugin that extends the BasePlugin class. To implement your functionality, create a method with the following signature:

    async def notify(self, task_data, exchange_config):

Where task_data is a TaskData object with information about the task and AMQP message, and exchange_config is the desired notification configuration.

To add the plugin to the application, put the class in it's own file and add the file to the plugins directory.

Base Plugins
  • BasePlugin Defines the 'name' property for the plugin as the filename the plugin is found in.

  • AWSPlugin An extension of BasePlugin, with added Amazon Web Services key fields.

Existing Plugins

  • smtp Send an email using a SMTP server.
  • ses Send an email using Amazon SES.
  • sns Send a notification to an Amazon SNS topic.
  • log_collect Collect log artifacts from the task and upload to an Amazon S3 bucket (supports aws-provisioner-v1 and buildbot-bridge ProvisionerId's)
  • irc Push colour-coded messages to internet relay chat.



To deploy to Heroku, cd into the project directory and run

$ heroku git:remote -a <heroku app name>
$ git push heroku master

This will create a new git remote called 'heroku' where you can push your code. The configuration variables in the sample_env_config file can be added via

$ heroku config:set KEY=VALUE [KEY2=VALUE2, ....]

You can then use the following to create instances of the service:

$ heroku ps:scale worker=<number of instances>


To build the docker image, run

$ docker build -t pulse-notify ./

To run the image, put all the configuration environment variables (detailed below) in a file and run

$ docker run --rm --env-file=.env_config pulse-notify:latest

Config/Environment Variables

The system is configured using a set of environment variables, detailed below:

  • PN_SERVICES Colon-separated list of enabled plugins.

  • ROUTING_KEYS AMQP routing keys to bind to exchanges.

  • ID_ENV Specifies whether to pull dev or prod id configs


  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Amazon Web Services login information.

  • SNS_ARN Amazon Resource Number of SNS topic for sns plugin.

  • SMTP_EMAIL, SMTP_PASSWD, SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT SMTP configuration for smtp plugin.

  • S3_BUCKET Amazon S3 bucket name for logs.

  • SES_EMAIL Sender email for SES plugin.

  • EMAIL_THREADING_DOMAIN Domain for threading key in form <{thread}@{domain}>. Defaults to mozilla.com

  • IRC_HOST, IRC_NAME, IRC_PORT, IRC_NICK, IRC_CHAN, IRC_PASS IRC configuration for irc plugin.

  • INFLUXDB_NAME, INFLUXDB_HOST, INFFLUXDB_RECORD Host, db name and on/off switch for InfluxDB time series data

Notifying for a new Task Graph

  1. Create your task graph.
  2. For each task in the graph, create an extra/notifications section.
  3. For each important task status (ie task-failed, task-completed etc), create a section specifying how to be notified.
  4. Add the important routing keys and AMQP exchanges to the pulsenotify/consumer.py file.
  5. Set up your environment config with all the required variables.
  6. If you used ID's in the tasks, configure them in the id_configs folder.
  7. Start a new instance of the application.

Optionally, you may wish to edit these files:

  • pulsenotify/templates/email_template.html (for custom emails)
  • the get_log function, as it currently only supports logs for two TC provisioner types


Tests can be run with

$ py.test