Battle Ship challenge
Download the game and place it somewhere in your directory/folder.
After the app has been downloaded, in the root directory where the app was downloaded run:

java -jar /ShipBattle/out/artifacts/ShipBattle_jar/ShipBattle.jar 

It will use data from input.txt and output the result in output.txt file

The first line of the file has to be a number because it is used as the size of the board.
	* Example: 10, 15, 5 [Size of the board]
	* Limitations: only one number is required

Next line in the file should be:
	1. Coordinates of the ships and Orientation of the ship
		Example: (9, 2, E) | 9 - x coordinate, 2 - y coordinate and E - orientation of ship.
			N - North | W - West | E - East | S - South
		Instructions: multiple commands on the same line. (1, 2, E) (3, 5, W)
		Limitations: you can have multiple ships in one line, separated by a space.
	2. Move a ship:
		Example: (1, 2) MRMLMM | 1 - x coordinate, 2 - y coordinate and MRMLMM directions of the ship.
			M - Move | R - Turn Right | L - Turn Left
		Instructions: One command per line.
		Limitations: If the location of the ship is taken, the ship cannot be able to move anymore.

	3. Shoot down a ship:
		Example: (9, 2) | 9 - x coordinate, 2 - y coordinate
		Instructions: One command per line
		Limitations: cannot shoot the same ship over and over

The commands can be repeated as many times as soon as you meet all the instructions and you follow the examples.

The result will be produced in the output.txt file