
A simple eCommerce application developed using the MERN stack.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple eCommerce application to play around with programming web applications using different technologies. Heavily inspired by Brad Traversy's Pro Shop MERN application.

Targeted implementations


  • Node.js (Express.js)
  • Golang
    • net/http
    • go-chi
  • Rust
    • Auxum
    • Rocket
    • Acticx Web
  • Deno


  • React
    • React with TS
  • Blazor
  • Rust/Golang with WASM

Getting started with Development


git clone https://github.com/Mihier-Roy/PreciousPiranha.git
cd PreciousPiranha

# Create an environment file for the backend.
cd backend
cat >> .env<< EOF
MONGO_URI = <your-mongo-connection-string-here>

# Build the container images.
just build-dev
# OR
# docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml build --no-cache --force-rm

# Run the application
# Front-end is accessible via :3000, API :5000, DB :27017. Client and API both support hot-reload.
just run-dev
# OR
# docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up

# Clean up containers
just stop
# OR
# docker-compose down --remove-orphans

Install dependencies

The project uses the Just command runner to perform different tasks. We use this because it's a lot easier to manage commands across languages and technologies from just recipies rather than remembering what to run each time.

It can be installed using cargo. If you don't have cargo installed, full installation instructions can be found here.

# Install just
cargo install just

Environment variables

The server side requires an environment file which looks like the following:

MONGO_URI = <your-mongo-connection-string-here>
# If using mongodb in a docker container, use the following connection string
# mongodb://localhost:27017/piranha?retryWrites=true&w=majority&useNewUrlParser=true&useUnifiedTopology=true";

Docker compose

The project uses Docker compose to serve production and development versions of the application. This allows for standardised environemnts for development and makes it easy to get started with developing the application.

There are two docker compose files:

  • `docker-compose.yml' for a production deployment.
    • This version compiles a production version of the react app using npm run build and serves it using nginx.
    • nginx is also configured to act as a reverse proxy for the backend and passes all requests to /api to the backend container.
  • docker-compose.dev.yml used for development.
    • This version is used for development and sets up a development environment which supports hot reloads for the client and the server.
    • Each service will have a port exposed to localhost which can be used to interact with the services directly.
    • Client: 3000, Server: 5000, MongoDB: 27017


All product images are taken from D&D Beyond.