
Integration for swedish calendar in HomeAssistant

Primary LanguagePython

Swedish calendar

This is a HomeAssistant sensor for showing data about swedish holidays. It uses the api at sholiday.faboul.se to generate statistics as sensors. The sensors are updated once per day (at midnight).


Minimum HomeAssistant 2022.5.1 or later, though recommending HomeAssistant 2024.4 or later


HACS (recommended)

  1. Go to integrations
  2. Press the dotted menu in the top right corner
  3. Choose custom repositories
  4. Add the URL to this repository
  5. Choose category Integration
  6. Click add


  1. In your homeassistant config directory, create a new directory. The path should look like this: my-ha-config-dir/custom_components/swedish_calendar
  2. Download the contents (the raw files, NOT as HTML) of the files from custom_components/swedish_calendar to the new directory


To add the integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.
  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.
  • From the list, select Swedish calendar.
  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.


If you have a previous installation of the integration that uses yaml configuration, you don't have to do anything, all values will be imported for you. When the import is finished you will get a notification saying that you can remove the old configuration.


If you ever want to update the configuration, you have 2 options.

  1. If you are running HomeAssistant 2024.4+, go to the integration page for Swedish calendar, click the three dot menu and choose "🔧 Reconfigure". This will open the configuration dialogue again, but with your previous values pre-filled in. Go through all the dialogue screens and hit save.
  2. If you are running HomeAssistant pre 2024.4, go to the integration page for Swedish calendar, click the three dot menu and choose "🗑️ Remove". Set up the integration from scratch again.

Configuration value definitions

Name Default Description
includes all sensors All sensor types are tracked by default, this config lets you specify which sensor types that you don't want to track. For full list of options, see Supported sensor types.
special themes empty object The special themes config, see Special themes config.
calendar empty object The calendar config, if you want sensors to be shown in the HomeAssistant Calendar. See Calendar configuration.
cache empty object The cache config, if you want to store data locally for instance when running on a slow connection. See Cache configuration.

Supported sensor types

Sensor type Swedish description Example value
date Datum 2022-12-24
weekday Veckodag Lördag
workfree_day Arbetsfri dag Ja
red_day Röd dag Nej
week Vecka 51
day_of_week Dag i vecka 6
eve Helgdagsafton Julafton
holiday Helgdag unknown
day_before_workfree_holiday Dag före arbetsfri helgdag Nej
name_day Namnsdag Eva
flag_day Flaggdag unknown
theme_day Temadag Julafton

Special themes

Special themes include data about common celebrations in Sweden, like 🍪 Kanelbullens dag or 🦢 Mårtensafton.

Name Default Description
dir current installation directory The directory where you have stored specialThemes.json. Only needed if you have moved your specialThemes.json file out of the default directory!
auto update False If you want to enable automatic download of the latest themes every night.


Name Default Description
include all sensors not previously excluded All sensor types that you want to track. For full list of options, see Supported sensor types.
days before today 0 Number of days prior to today that you want to show in calendar
days after today 0 Number of days after today that you want to show in calendar

Example showing eve and holiday for Dec 2022 (7 days before today, 31 days after today):

Swedish calendar view


Name Default Description
enabled False Enable/disable the cache
dir installation_dir/.cache Full path to directory where cached data should be stored
retention 7 days Time until cache is renewed, in number of days

Example UI

I currently use the sensors in a grid spanning 5 rows, top 2 rows are 3 columns and bottom 2 rows are 2 columns. The bottom columns are conditional cards for showing holidays, which are only displayed if there is a value.

- type: vertical-stack
  title: 'Swedish calendar'
    - type: glance
      show_name: false
        - sensor.swedish_calendar_date
        - sensor.swedish_calendar_weekday
        - sensor.swedish_calendar_week
    - type: glance
        - sensor.swedish_calendar_red_day
        - sensor.swedish_calendar_workfree_day
        - sensor.swedish_calendar_day_before_workfree_holiday
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: conditional
            - entity: sensor.swedish_calendar_eve
              state_not: "unknown"
            type: glance
              - sensor.swedish_calendar_eve
        - type: conditional
            - entity: sensor.swedish_calendar_holiday
              state_not: "unknown"
            type: glance
              - sensor.swedish_calendar_holiday
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: glance
            - sensor.swedish_calendar_name_day
        - type: conditional
            - entity: sensor.swedish_calendar_flag_day
              state_not: "unknown"
            type: glance
              - sensor.swedish_calendar_flag_day
    - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: conditional
            - sensor.swedish_calendar_theme_day
          type: glance
          - entity: sensor.swedish_calendar_theme_day
            state_not: unknown

Result in UI during holiday:

Swedish calendar during holiday

Result in UI with special themes included:

Swedish calendar with special themes

Push notification for celebrated names

To send a push when someone you know celebrates their name, you can use the following automation

- alias: 'Send push on important namnsdag'
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.swedish_calendar_name_day
    - condition: template
      value_template: >-
        {% set names_of_today = states('sensor.swedish_calendar_name_day').split(",") %}
        {% set wanted_names = ['Lisa', 'Kalle', 'Johan', 'Anna'] %}
        {% for name in names_of_today %}
          {% if (name in wanted_names) %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    service: notify.pushbullet
      title: 'Namnsdag!'
      message: "Idag firas {{ states('sensor.swedish_calendar_name_day') }} "