
Simple CLI tool in V for converting between file structures and single text file representations

Primary LanguageVApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ConvFT: File-Text Conversion Tool

Table of Contents


ConvFT is a simple CLI tool for converting between file structures and single text file representations. It's ideal for backup, sharing, and reconstructing complex directory hierarchies.


  • Convert file structures to a single text file
  • Reconstruct file structures from a text file
  • Easy installation and uninstallation
  • Colorful and informative CLI output



Cloning the Repository

First, clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

git clone https://github.com/Mik-TF/convft_v.git
cd convft_v

Using the Makefile

ConvFT comes with a Makefile that simplifies the build and installation process. Here are the available commands:

  1. To build and install ConvFT:

    make build

    This command formats the source code, compiles the program, and installs it system-wide.

  2. To rebuild and reinstall ConvFT:

    make rebuild

    This command uninstalls the existing version, formats the source code, recompiles the program, and installs the new version.

  3. To uninstall ConvFT:

    make delete

    This command removes ConvFT from your system.

Note: The Makefile commands require sudo privileges as they involve system-wide installation.

Manual Installation

To install ConvFT system-wide manually, run the following commands:

v fmt -w convft.v
v -o convft .
sudo ./convft install

These commands format the source code, compile the program, and install it system-wide.


convft [OPTION]


  • ft: Convert files to text
  • tf: Convert text to files
  • install: Install ConvFT (requires sudo)
  • uninstall: Uninstall ConvFT (requires sudo)
  • help: Display help message


convft ft              # Convert current directory to 'all_files_text.txt'
convft tf              # Reconstruct files from 'all_files_text.txt'
sudo ./convft install    # Install ConvFT system-wide. Must be in the repo directory to work.
sudo convft uninstall  # Remove ConvFT from the system

How It Works

File to Text (ft)

This option scans the current directory and its subdirectories, creating a single text file (all_files_text.txt) that contains the content of all files along with their relative paths.

Text to File (tf)

This option reads the all_files_text.txt file and reconstructs the original file structure, creating directories and files as needed.


  • The script ignores itself and the output file during the conversion process.
  • When reconstructing files, it only creates files in the current directory or its subdirectories for safety.


To remove ConvFT from your system, you can either use the Makefile:

make delete

Or run the uninstall command directly:

sudo convft uninstall


For more information, updates, and to contribute, visit the ConvFT GitHub repository.


This work is under the Apache 2.0 license.