This project is for testing development with docker, kotlin, maven, ktor and postgreSQL
- JDK 21
- Kotlin
- Maven
- Docker
- Ktor
- PostgreSQL
To build locally and run the integration tests you can simply run
./mvnw install
or on windows
mvnw.bat install
Creating a docker image should be as simple as
docker build -t docker-kotlin-maven-ktor-postgres .
docker run -d --rm -it -p 8080:8080 docker-kotlin-maven-ktor-postgres
on linux: on osx: on windows :
docker-compose -p docker-kotlin-maven-ktor-postgres-compose up -d
Go to src/main/kotlin/Bootstrap.kt and run it
For testing the endpoint ValidateDataApi
You need a tool to send a request and to inspect the repsonse
A tool you can use is Postman:
The endpoint is currently available at http://$yourlocalhost/v1/validate when running the application locally
Set the body in the request, example: {"data":"DATA"}
and profit
Example of a request:
curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{"data":"DATA"}'
Example of a response:
docker-compose -p docker-kotlin-maven-ktor-postgres-compose down
This project is maintained by CODEOWNERS
Questions please create an issue