
Game Hacking Tools for android (non root and root) and linux (need root)

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Ace The Game

Github All Releases

  • Memory scanner and editor for android (non-rooted and root) and linux (root)

  • Game Guardian open source alternative for android

  • Game hacking tools for modifying health, coin and etc

Disclaimer!!!: this program is still in beta phase

If you found any BUG, thanks report it here

for discussion, suggestion and question feel free to join the discord server


infinite coin

fly hack

value freezeer

(freezing the health value)

Dev Guide

For build and project structure DEV_GUIDE



  • adb program installed and can be run through the command prompt adb download

Installing memory scanner and editor to device

  • download latest release of AceTheGame and unzip the file to get release folder

    inside the release folder, the structure should look like

      ├── android
      │   ├── arm64-v8a
      │   │   ├── bin
      │   │   ├── include
      │   │   ├── lib
      │   │   └── share
      │   ├── armeabi-v7a
      │   │   ├── bin
      │   │   ├── include
      │   │   ├── lib
      │   │   └── share
      │   ├── x86
      │   │   ├── bin
      │   │   ├── include
      │   │   ├── lib
      │   │   └── share
      │   └── x86_64
      │       ├── bin
      │       ├── include
      │       ├── lib
      │       └── share
      ├── linux
      │   ├── bin
      │   ├── include
      │   ├── lib
      │   └── share
      └── modder
          ├── bin
          └── lib
  • open the terminal and go to the directory of your specific architecture


    for example if your arch is arm64-v8 then cd to directory of ./android/arm64-v8a/bin

Rooted Device

adb push ./ACE /data/local/tmp
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/ACE 

Non-Rooted Device

adb push ./engine_client /data/local/tmp
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/engine_client 

this binary will be used to scan and edit memory of the apk


for alternative install directory that is available in android look here


(this is only a brief tutorial about scanning, for more in depth and real practice visit here)

Notes: type command -h to list all available commands

video tutorial

Rooted Device

open up adb shell and go to the program location

adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp

then you should see the following promp

You are rooted, all feautres will work

ACE Engine, a game hacking tools for linux and android

Copyright (C) 2022 AceEngineSoftware@gmail.com
Author: Kuhaku Pixel (https://github.com/KuhakuPixel)

For update news, feature request and discussion regarding 
Ace Engine
Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/MhrFwpYm
================= IMPORTANT ==============================
before using this software type `license` command and enter
to view the license of the software.


list running process

list running processes with

ps ls
(ACE) ps ls
52507 brave
52641 brave
52778 adb
52785 kworker/4:2-events
52850 brave
52867 brave
52889 brave
54795 opensurge

select running process

lets say we want to attach to `opensurge

(ACE) cheater 54795

now you should be attached

attaching to process 54795 
set type to int

Scanning for value

lets say in the game, there is a coin with value of 3 we gonna have to search for the address of that coin in order to have infinite coin

(CHEATER) scan = 3

then its gonna take a while and output something like

current matches: 13946
Done in: 1.347762 s

now we just change the coin value in the game and scan for the changed value to further filter all of the addresses that we got

lets say we collect one more coin so our coin becomes 4 right now

we just scan for 4

(CHEATER) scan = 4
current matches: 20
Done in: 0.021650 s

repeat the steps above until you got 1-3 matches

writting to matches

now that you have the address of the coin which can be seen by the list command

(CHEATER) list
0x55b525a27650 7

you can write any value you want to it by using

(CHEATER) write 999999

and now you should have 999999 coin

Non-Rooted Device

for this program to work on non rooted device you gonna need to patch the apk it self to add "Memory scanner and editor" feature. in the release folder go to folder ./modder/bin

for windows run modder.bat as the first command

for linux and mac, run ./modder as the first command in your pc

in this tutorial, im gonna run the first command as ./modder note: run ./modder --help for more info about available commands

and we will be using this game

Downloading apk

listing all installed apk

./modder list

find the apk you want to hack, lets say its called appleknight

305 online.limitless.appleknight.free

download it to your pc using

./modder download online.limitless.appleknight.free

after download, you should have folder called online.limitless.appleknight.free

Attaching memory scanner

./modder patch online.limitless.appleknight.free/ true

this will take a while since it has to recompile, attach memory scanner, recompile and resign the apk

after it is done, it should create a folder called that ends with .patched, in this case

it created online.limitless.appleknight.free.patched which is the folder that contains the patched apk

Installing patched apk

the syntax of installing apk is

  • uninstall the previous apk on your android device

  • go to the folder of patched apk in terminal online.limitless.appleknight.free.patched

    and run

    modder install online.limitless.appleknight.free.patched

    where online.limitless.appleknight.free.patched is directory of the patched apk

scanning and editing memory

  1. start the apk

  2. run

    adb shell
    cd /data/local/tmp
  3. run the engine client


    which should output

    Connecting to ACE engine server...
    (Engine Server)

    try to run attached command to see if we it has been connected to the apk that we try to hack

    (Engine Server) attached
  4. scanning and editing memory this step is similliar to the step of rooted device, infact all the commands
    is the same as the program for rooted device to scan for value 5

    (Engine Server) scan = 5

    to write value 1000 to all matches 's addresses

    (Engine Server) write 1000