A neovim plugin that generates and highlight ctags similar to easytags.
I wrote this because I didn't like that my vim froze when opening large projects.
Much of the plugin's speed boost comes from it's ability to filter tags at runtime. Only tags found in opened buffers are supplied to Neovim for highlighting. Easytags, on the other hand, supplied all tags found recursively for a whole project. For very large projects with possibly tens of thousands of tags, this made Neovim's parser grind to a halt. With the new method, the tag list is far more manageable.
Be warned that for such large projects it can take some time to process the list of tags. Fortunately, this is done asynchronously and does not slow the editor. Furthermore, it is only updated when either a new file is opened or the buffer is saved. This infrequent time cost is made in place of constantly forcing Neovim to do the same processing.
Neotags requires Neovim with if_python3, and psutil for Python3.
If :echo has("python3")
returns 1
and pip3 list | grep psutil
shows the
psutil package, then you're done; otherwise, see below.
You can enable Python3 interface and psutil with pip:
pip3 install neovim psutil
If tags processing is taking too long it may be advisable to use pypy3 in
place of python3. This is possible by adding let g:python3_host_prog = 'pypy3'
to your .vimrc
. Be advised that it will be necessary to have the Neovim
python module and any modules required by any other Vim plugins installed for
pypy3 as well (including psutil).
There are several configuration options to tweak the processing behavior. By
default, to speed things up all standard autotools files (such as configure,
Makefile.in, etc) are ignored by ctags. This behavior can be disabled with by
setting g:neotags_no_autoconf
to 0
. Further filenames may be ignored by
appending --exclude=foo
to the ctags argument list (see man ctags
for more
By default, a tags file is generated in a global directory for each directory
in which source files appear. If you would like to reduce the number of tags
files, and thereby conglomerate a project into one file, you may designate any
directory as a "project" top directory using the NeotagsAddProject
See below for details.
Because the original implementation in python can take a modestly long time for very large projects, the section of code that does the tag filtering has been rewritten in C. If used, this can quite dramatically decrease the waiting time, often by up to 4+ times.
It can be enabled simply by compiling it. Run make
in the root git directory
and the small project will be automatically configured, compiled, and installed
into ~/.vim_tags/bin
. The requirements are cmake, libpcre2, and of course
a working C compiler. All of these should be readily available on any Unix like
platform. If you want to install it elsewhere feel free to configure and build
the project yourself. It is also possible to configure with autotools by
running the included autogen.sh
if you really prefer.
The build process can be easily automated with a package manager such as dein. Just add
call dein#add('c0r73x/neotags.nvim', {'build:' 'make'})
to your .vimrc or init.nvim file and dein will handle the rest. To disable it
after installing either delete the binary or add let g:neotags_bin = ''
your setup.
As usual, on Windows things are more difficult. It is possible to compile with
MinGW, but the resulting binary is usually slower than the original python! If
you have Visual Studio installed then it is possible to generate a project with
cmake, provided that you can source a copy of libpcre2-8.lib
or similar from
somewhere. There are no easily available pre-compiled version of this library,
so you'll either have to compile it yourself or download MinGW and use its
pre-compiled version (called libpcre2-8.dll.a
). Put it in the same directory
as the top CMakeFiles.txt
file and everything should work. There isn't any
shortcut around this, unfortunately.
If all of this seems like too much bother (especially for Windows users!) then as mentioned the python version will work perfectly fine, and is probably plenty fast enough for the majority of cases.
Command | Description |
NeotagsToggle |
Toggle neotags on the fly |
NeotagsAddProject <DIRECTORY> |
Add a directory to the global list of "project" top directories |
NeotagsRemoveProject <DIRECTORY |
Remove a directry from the global list of "project" top directories |
NeotagsBinToggle |
Toggle usage of the compiled C binary |
Option | Description | Default |
g:neotags_enabled | Option to enable/disable neotags | 0 |
g:neotags_directory | Global directory in which to store all generated tags files | ~/.vim_tags |
g:neotags_settings_file | Global file in which to store all saved "project" directories | g:neotags_directory/neotags.txt |
g:neotags_ignored_tags | List of tag names globally excluded from ever being highlighted (eg. try NULL in C) |
"" |
g:neotags_no_autoconf | Automatically exclude all standard GNU autotools files (except Makefile ) to speed up processing by having fewer tags |
1 |
g:neotags_events_update | List of vim events when to run tag generation and update highlight | BufWritePost |
g:neotags_events_highlight | List of vim events when to update highlight | BufEnter, BufReadPre |
g:neotags_events_rehighlight | List of vim events when to clear cache and update highlight | Syntax, FileType |
g:neotags_run_ctags | Option to enable/disable ctags generation from neotags | 1 |
g:neotags_highlight | Option to enable/disable neotags highlighting | 1 |
g:neotags_recursive | Option to enable/disable recursive tag generation | 1 |
g:neotags_find_tool | Command (such as ag -g ) run in place of ctags -R to find files |
"" |
g:neotags_ctags_bin | Location of ctags | ctags |
g:neotags_ctags_args | ctags arguments | --fields=+l --c-kinds=+p --c++-kinds+p --sort=no --extras=+q |
g:neotags_ctags_timeout | ctags timeout in seconds | 3 |
g:neotags_silent_timeout | Hide message when ctags timeouts | 0 |
g:neotags_verbose | Verbose output (for debug, must be set before neotags is starated) | 0 |
g:neotags_ignore | List of filetypes to ignore | 'text','nofile','mail','qf' |
g:neotags_global_notin | List of global syntax groups which should not include highlighting. | '.*String.*', '.*Comment.*', 'cIncluded', 'cCppOut2', 'cCppInElse2', 'cCppOutIf2', 'pythonDocTest', 'pythonDocTest2' |
g:neotags_ft_conv | Dictionary of languages to convert between ctags and vim | { 'C++': 'cpp', 'C#': 'cs' } |
g:neotags#c#order | Group Name creation for the C language | cgstuedfpm |
g:neotags#cpp#order | Group Name creation for the Cpp language | cgstuedfpm |
g:neotags#python#order | Group Name creation for the Python language | mfc |
g:neotags#ruby#order | Group Name creation for the Ruby language | mfc |
g:neotags#sh#order | Group Name creation for the Shell language | fa |
g:neotags#java#order | Group Name creation for the Java language | cimegf |
g:neotags#javascript#order | Group Name creation for the Javascript language | cCfmpo |
g:neotags#vim#order | Group Name creation for the Vimscript language | acfv |
g:neotags#perl#order | Group Name creation for the Perl language | s |
g:neotags#php#order | Group Name creation for the Php language | fc |
By default group name creation is set for all the different group names of all the supported languages.
Default Highlight all groups:
let g:neotags#cpp#order = 'cgstuedfpm'
let g:neotags#c#order = 'cgstuedfpm'
Option | Group Name |
c | cppTypeTag |
g | cppTypeTag |
s | cppTypeTag |
t | cppTypeTag |
u | cppTypeTag |
e | cppEnumTag |
d | cppPreProcTag |
f | cppFunctionTag |
p | cppFunctionTag |
m | cppMemberTag |
C highlighting is identical to Cpp just remove pp
from the group name. Example, cTypeTag
With the g:neotags#cpp#order
function you can restrict the highlighting to selected groups. See Speed Improvements
let g:neotags#vim#order = 'acfv'
Option | Group Name |
a | vimAutoGroupTag |
c | vimCommandTag |
f | vimFuncNameTag (Uses vimScriptFuncNameTag for local script functions) |
v | vimVariableTag |
let g:neotags#python#order = 'mfc'
Language | Group Name |
m | pythonMethodTag |
f | pythonFunctionTag |
c | pythonClassTag |
let g:neotags#ruby#order = 'mfc'
Option | Group Name |
m | rubyModuleNameTag |
f | rubyClassNameTag |
c | rubyMethodNameTag |
let g:neotags#sh#order = 'fa'
Option | Group Name |
f | shFunctionTag |
a | shAliasTag |
let g:neotags#java#order = 'cimegf'
Option | Group Name |
c | javaClassTag |
i | javaInterfaceTag |
m | javaMethodTag |
e | javaEnumTag |
g | javaEnumTypeTag |
f | javaFieldTag |
let g:neotags#javascript#order = 'cCfmpo'
Option | Group Name |
c | javascriptClassTag |
C | javascriptConstantTag |
f | javascriptFunctionTag |
m | javascriptMethodTag |
p | javascriptPropsTag |
o | javascriptObjectTag |
let g:neotags#perl#order = 's'
Option | Group Name |
s | perlFunctionTag |
let g:neotags#php#order = 'fc'
Option | Group Name |
f | phpFunctionsTag |
c | phpClassesTag |
To use the_silver_searcher
or similar applications when generating tags you can do something like this.
let g:neotags_recursive = 1
" Use this option for the_silver_searcher
let g:neotags_find_tool = 'ag -g ""'
" Or this one for ripgrep. Not both.
let g:neotags_find_tool = 'ag --files'
Also on big projects syntax highlighting may become slow. To address this you can try:
set regexpengine=1
This provides significant speed improvements. In addition you set the highlight options for your language not highlight everything but maybe only the tags your interested in the most. Example:
let g:neotags#cpp#order = 'ced'
The above will only highlight cppTypeTag, cppPreProcTag, cppEnumTag
The neotags_ft_conv
variable is used to convert for example C++ to cpp but it
can be used to convert custom filetypes to ctag filetypes.
For example this is what i use for flow
let g:neotags_ft_conv = {
\ 'C++': 'cpp',
\ 'C#': 'cs',
\ 'JavaScript': 'flow',
\ }
Note that you do need to copy the javascript neotags file
to after/plugin/neotags/flow.vim
and do a replace for '#javascript' to '#flow'
You can create custom rules for existing languages or new languages.
let g:neotags#[ctags language]#order = 'string with ctags kinds'
let g:neotags#[ctags language]#[ctags kind] = { 'group': 'highlight' }
For more advanced rules, check the files in neotags.vim/plugin/neotags/*.vim
You can get the list of kinds by running ctags --list-kinds=[language]
order determents priority of the highlight by first to last (tags with the same name will use the one with higher priority). Note that only kinds in the order string will be loaded.
For example, this is what I use in typescript/tsx
In ~/.ctags
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(export([ \t]+abstract)?([ \t]+default)?)?[ \t]*class[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\4/c,classes/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(declare)?[ \t]*namespace[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/n,modules/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(export)?[ \t]*module[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/M,modules/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(export)?[ \t]*function[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/f,functions/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*export[ \t]+(var|let|const)[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/v,variables/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(var|let|const)[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*function[ \t]*\(\)/\2/V,varlambdas/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(export)?[ \t]*(public|protected|private)[ \t]+(static)?[ \t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\4/m,members/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(export)?[ \t]*interface[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/i,interfaces/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(export)?[ \t]*type[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/t,types/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*(export)?[ \t]*enum[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/e,enums/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*import[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/I,imports/
--regex-typescript=/^[ \t]*@([A-Za-z0-9._$]+)[ \t]*/\1/d,decorator/
In vimrc
let g:neotags#typescript#order = 'cnfmoited'
let g:neotags#typescript#c = { 'group': 'javascriptClassTag' }
let g:neotags#typescript#C = { 'group': 'javascriptConstantTag' }
let g:neotags#typescript#f = { 'group': 'javascriptFunctionTag' }
let g:neotags#typescript#o = { 'group': 'javascriptObjectTag' }
let g:neotags#typescript#n = g:neotags#typescript#C
let g:neotags#typescript#f = g:neotags#typescript#f
let g:neotags#typescript#m = g:neotags#typescript#f
let g:neotags#typescript#o = g:neotags#typescript#o
let g:neotags#typescript#i = g:neotags#typescript#C
let g:neotags#typescript#t = g:neotags#typescript#C
let g:neotags#typescript#e = g:neotags#typescript#C
let g:neotags#typescript#d = g:neotags#typescript#c