
“Re-Heat” OpenStack Cloud Automation

Primary LanguagePython

“Re-Heat” OpenStack Cloud Automation

ReHeat is a standalone program that can generate stack templates. It also has the capability of returning nova network tologies as a template. This program is intended by design to be used as an API to Icehouse's Horizon interface. This base class serves to provide the backend functionality to [future feature] Horizon-Generate-Template.

Alternatively, ReHeat can pull network_topology/json data as well.

  • This program only generates templates by tenant_id
  • Credentials , ports, and urls are ripped from the keystone.conf, env variables
  • To be run on a controller


A lot of this code can be simplified via openstack functions. Throughout development, several of the provided functions were not stable or did not provide the correct(if any) information as needed. Similarily, many functions were undocumented making this task difficult to complete, and use the available functions as their purpose intended. Much of the code exists as a work around proof of concept. As many users wish to standup a cluster, it only seems logical to allow a user to create a network via horizon and download the network as a Heat Orchestration Template(HOT). Hopefully this code will become useful to developers who wish to ReHEAT their cloud cluster. This tool in no way servers as a production code project to generate templates. It is simply a means to show how useful a ReHEAT idea could be. Feel free to add or change any code as required. Also to expose many Openstack python methods. Enjoy!

Code is based off of Ubuntu's Repository

  • python-nova 1:2013.2.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0 OpenStack Compute Python libraries
  • python-novaclient 1:2.15.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 client library for OpenStack Compute API
  • python-neutron 1:2013.2.3-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0 Neutron is a virutal network service for Openstack - Python library
  • python-neutronclient 1:2.3.0-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0 client - Neutron is a virtual network service for Openstack
  • python-heat 2013.2.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0 OpenStack orchestration service - Python files
  • python-heatclient 0.2.4-0ubuntu1~cloud0 client library and CLI for OpenStack Heat
  • python-keystone 1:2013.2.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0 OpenStack identity service - Python library
  • python-keystoneclient 1:0.3.2-0ubuntu1~cloud0 Client library for OpenStack Identity API


  • sudo pip install yaml
  • sudo pip isntall mechanize

Don't forget to check out the wiki [https://github.com/Mikaayenson/ReHeat/wiki/Installing-Re-Heat]

Read the Johns Hopkins APL white paper [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzTq-ZB9F-b9b0ZXdy1PT2t3dk0]