Hi there, I'm Mika! 👋

I'm a Security Research / Software Engineer on the Threat Research and Detection Engineering team at Elastic. I have a particular interest in security, Python, and generative AI technologies. I'm always looking to collaborate on cool projects, so feel free to reach out!

ElasticSearch Python Go Visual Studio Code Vercel ChatGPT

🔭 Current Projects

  • detection-rules: Managed detection rules for Elastic Security.
  • detections-as-code: A reference implementation for detections as code.
  • LLM Detections: Internally exploring the use of generative AI for all things security detections.

🌱 Blogs

  • Check out any of my articles for topics on security, software engineering, and generative AI that I've written about.

🌐 Connect

LinkedIn GitHub

⚡ Fun Facts

Little More About Me 👋

  • I'm a Security Research / Software Engineer that loves 12-factor applications.
  • I work on the Threat Research and Detection Engineering team at Elastic.
  • Looking to collaborate on golang/security projects if you have cool ideas!