
GitHub action for deploying nuget packages to UiPath Orchestrator.

MIT LicenseMIT


GitHub action for deploying all .nupkg packages in a provided path to UiPath Orchestrator using the package deploy task from the UiPath CLI.

Note: The current version of this action is only compatible with Windows runners


This action requires the following items to be configured:

Example usage

Required inputs only

      # .nupkg packages are deployed to UiPath Orchestrator
      - name: UiPath Deploy
        uses: Mikael-RnD/UiPath-Deploy@v1
          packagesPath: ${{ github.workspace }}
          orchestratorTenant: MyTenant
          orchestratorFolder: "MyFolder/Test" 
          orchestratorApplicationId: ${{ secrets.ORCHESTRATOR_APP_ID }}
          orchestratorApplicationSecret: ${{ secrets.ORCHESTRATOR_APP_SECRET }}
          orchestratorLogicalName: myorg

All inputs used

      # .nupkg packages are deployed to UiPath Orchestrator
      - name: UiPath Deploy
        uses: Mikael-RnD/UiPath-Deploy@v1
          packagesPath: ${{ github.workspace }}
          orchestratorUrl: https://mycompany.orchestrator.com/
          orchestratorTenant: MyTenant
          orchestratorFolder: "MyFolder/Test" 
          orchestratorApplicationId: ${{ secrets.ORCHESTRATOR_APP_ID }}
          orchestratorApplicationSecret: ${{ secrets.ORCHESTRATOR_APP_SECRET }}
          orchestratorLogicalName: myorg
          orchestratorApplicationScope: "OR.Assets OR.BackgroundTasks OR.Execution OR.Folders OR.Jobs OR.Machines.Read OR.Monitoring OR.Robots.Read OR.Settings.Read OR.TestSets OR.TestSetExecutions OR.TestSetSchedules OR.Users.Read"


Name Description Required Default value
packagesPath Path to a directory containing .nupkg packages for deployment to Orchestrator True
orchestratorUrl Base URL to Orchestrator instance False https://cloud.uipath.com/
orchestratorTenant Name of the Orchestrator tenant True
orchestratorLogicalName Id of the UiPath organization True
orchestratorFolder The fully qualified name of the Orchestrator folder where processes are deployed to True
orchestratorApplicationId Application ID for the CLI to authenticate with UiPath Orchestrator True
orchestratorApplicationSecret Application Secret for the CLI to authenticate with UiPath Orchestrator True
orchestratorApplicationScope The accesss scope setup for the external application False "OR.Assets OR.BackgroundTasks OR.Execution OR.Folders OR.Jobs OR.Machines.Read OR.Monitoring OR.Robots.Read OR.Settings.Read OR.TestSets OR.TestSetExecutions OR.TestSetSchedules OR.Users.Read"