
Sample express.js servers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample express.js servers

This repository contains two servers written in express.js communicating over a REST api.

Location service

It has 1 endpoint at POST /locations, that requires a valid JWT token as authentication. It takes a json on the format {"name": <location-name>} and saves it as a new location in it's database.

User service

It also has 1 endpoint at POST /locations, that can be called without authentication. It takes a json on the format {"name": <location-name>}, it

  • Finds a hardcoded 'testuser' in the databse and creates a JWT token for her.
  • Calls the location service to create a location.
  • Saves the created location id in it's own databse together with the user id for the testuser.


Copy the .env.example files in user-service and locations-service to .env and enter a correct connection string in them. Start each server by running yarn start in the locations-service and user-service subdirectories. You can then invoke the user service endpoint with for example the following curl command: curl -X POST -d '{"name": "Borgby"} localhost:3001/locations