
Code test for ÅF. Built in Node.js, TypeScript & React.

Start application in local environment

git clone

cd ar-relations-manager

npm install && npm run dev

It should open a browser window with http://localhost:3000

To run tests:

npm test

Make sure your version of Node.js is up to date. node -v. There might be some issues installing packages with old version of Node. I'm using Node 10.9.0.

About the app


  • Located in /server directory.
  • Written in Node.js and TypeScript.
  • Uses MongoDB as storage, and Mongoose as an ORM. Db is hosted on my MLab account to avoid needing to install MongoDb locally.
  • I've added "integration tests" for the controllers. Test suite is not complete due to time limits.


  • Located in /client directory
  • Written in React & TypeScript

Possible improvements

  • More complete test suite.
  • Better validation for both backend & frontend
  • Error handling. Currently async/await implementation does not handle errors gracefully. Create Express middleware to catch any errors.
  • Better typescript type coverage. Right now I'm using any in too many places, but I didn't have time to create interfaces for everything.